Men’s Golf Club News

Scott Moore

March was a very busy month for golf, as the last of the season tournaments (Conley Cup, Greenskeepers, and Men’s and Ladies Step-Aside) were concluded. The Step-Aside Scramble and Awards Luncheon was held on March 29. Team winners for the day were as follows:

1st: Don Hunt, Trent Johnson, Mike Earl

2nd: Bob Morris, John Brockish, Gary Popelka, Karen Hall

3rd: Denise Mukai, Jeff Corkery, Fred Nixon, Lore Schaefer

4th: Bob Gerber, Gordon Olson, George Richardson, Paul Golden

5th: Rob Bower, Connie Franklin, Sandy Muyres, Shirley Goldade

6th: Jack Cooper, Kim Mishko, Scott Stohr, MJ Johnson

7th: S. Kirkpatrick, Gail Morris, Gary Whistler, James Morgan

8th: Glen Ketchum, Kelly Kintz, Ross Bennett, Sue Mallery

9th: Jim Chase, Judy Corkery, Fred Fraga, Trish Carrell

10th: Greg Smith, Scott Moore, Earl Walker, Shirley Hunt

The KPS for the day went to the following: Viva Smith (#5), Dale Stokke (#8), Joan Kintz (#11), Trent Johnson (#13), Vicki Earl (#14), Rob Bower (17).

The season champions and SunBird Cup winners were announced and acknowledged after lunch. Cindy Vig is this season’s Ladies Club Champion, and Jeff Seaman is the Men’s Club Champion. Dolly White and Eric Gossling are this year’s divisional SunBird Cup winners.

This year’s Conley Cup tournament between the Americans and Canadians was special, as it was reformatted to include a Ladies division. Both divisions were won by the Americans in a close match-play format. This divisional format was a great success and should continue as the new norm for years to come. A special “thank you” to those who took the initiative to get that all organized and come to fruition.

Regarding new Men’s Club business, Jack Cooper took over as president and James Morgan as vice president for the 2024-25 season. Summer play will begin on May 9 at Springfield. Those interested in playing should sign up on the Desert Dogs sheet, which is posted outside the Pro Shop.

We snowbirds are well on our way up north now that the season has concluded, but it won’t be that long before we are itching to get back and reconnect with our SunBird community friends. Nov. 5 is the first Men’s Club meeting at 9 a.m. in the ballroom. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024-25 kickoff meeting.