Category: Association News

Trimming Palm Trees

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator With summer approaching, it is almost time to begin trimming your palm trees. Please do not do them too early. The end of June and July are the recommended months for trimming palm trees. If you are not here, please make arrangements to have someone trim your trees. The palm flowers…

Social Events

Live Music! Featuring Harley Davidson Saturday, June 1, 7 p.m. Live in the Horizon Room—Harley Davidson! Don’t miss this fun-filled night of live acoustic music and humor. Harley will surely keep you dancing and entertained! Horse Races Sunday, June 2 and 16, Ballroom, 2 to 4 p.m. The Horse Races are back! Come cheer on…

Gophers in SunBird?

Over the past few years, SunBird has been invaded by gophers. It seems that as the Santan Mountain Casino was in construction just southeast of SunBird is the time that these gophers discovered SunBird. These gophers travel underground and surface, leaving holes and mounds of dirt. Several of these can be seen throughout the community.…

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

The board of directors met for a regularly scheduled meeting on April 22, 2024. These are the notes from that meeting: Board members present: Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Nancy Eckstein, Dave Edington, Chuck Heitbrink, Bob Lama, Bob Morris, and Manager Layne Varney The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Eckstein at 10 a.m.…

Manager’s Report

The temperature is rising, and summer is here. Well, officially summer starts June 20, according to the astronomical summer solstice. However, with temperatures in the triple digits already, it feels like it has been summer for a long time. This summer, several maintenance and capital improvement projects are planned for the clubhouse and other facilities:…