Tag: BIngo

SunBird Lions Club – March 2025

SunBird Lions Club Bingo Winners on January 17 Arlene Block What an exciting night it was on Jan. 17 at SunBird Lions Club Bingo! Two players doubled their money in the allotted time of caller Vern Green. The tables were filled with supporters, which was wonderful. The winners were Carol Mudryk, J. Sandburg, Tanya Pauling,…

SunBird Lions Club

21 South Lions Club Kick-Off Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club hosted the 21 South Kick-Off at the SunBird Golf Resort on Aug. 17. Lion Chris Gibbs, Induction Council chairman, inducted into the SunBird Lions Club Lions Nancy Eckstein, Michelle Seel, and Steve Seel who were sponsored by SunBird Lions Club President Chuck Heitbrink. Lion…

SunBird Lions Club – September 2024

SunBird Lions Remember 9/11 You and your friends and neighbors are invited to join the SunBird Lions on Sept. 11 for a time of Remembrance and Service. We will gather in the SunBird ballroom at 8:30 a.m. and begin our time together with song and a prayer for our nation. Our keynote speaker will be…

Social Events

Bean Bag Baseball Wednesday, Sept. 4 and 18, Ballroom, 4 p.m. Bean Bag Baseball continues through October! Join us at 4 p.m. in the ballroom for our summer series and for a fun night of baseball. Bean Bag Baseball will be held on the first and third Wednesday of the month through October. If you…

SunBird Lions Club – May 2024

Together We Serve Arlene Block SunBird Lions Appreciation Award for 2023-24 SunBird Lions Club Melvin Jones Award Arlene Block Congratulations to Lions Irene Zeppelin and Bill Koenig on receiving the prestigious Melvin Jones Award for your outstanding contributions to the SunBird Lions Club for 2023-24. Your helping others has made all Lions proud. Springfield Golf…

SunBird Lions Club – April 2024

SunBird Lions Bingo – February 26 Arlene Block The lucky Bingo winners for the SunBird Lions Club on Feb. 16 were Sandra Latrenier, Barbarba Wolensky, Kathleen Kwiat (won three games), Carol Mudryk, Linda Brandon, Kathy Wolberson, Kathy Sanomann, Linda Allie, Shirley Stein, Steve Dykema, Walter Potthoff, Theresa Dashen, Anastashia Schonauer, Bill Davis, Janet Sears, and…

Social Events

SunBird Lions Bingo Friday, March 1 and 15, Ballroom, 5:30 p.m. SunBird Lions Bingo is back for another exciting season. As usual, our season runs through April on the first and third Friday of the month. Ticket sales begin at 5:30 p.m., and the first game begins at 6:30 p.m. There are 15 games nightly.…

Sun Bird Lions Club

January Bingo Winners Arlene Block With a filled room, SunBird Lions Club presented a fun night of Bingo on Jan. 19. Kim Price was one lucky winner with a win and then a double her money win. Other winners were Marilyn Klooster, Lisa Firebaugh, Eileen Martinez, Kathy Wolbersen (won two games), Pam VanLaningham, Jan Seith,…

SunBird Lions Club Bingo

Arlene Block What a great way to start the new year with playing Bingo at SunBird Golf Resort and even having a double-your-money winner. On Jan. 5 SunBird Lions Club started the year with some great new games and lots of goodies at its snack table for a nominal fee. The lucky winners were Maggie…

SunBird Lions Club Bingo

We had many multiple winners at the December Bingo, and the excitement was there. Those who had multiple winning games were Joanne Vega, Mona Rice, Barbara Rhodus, and Kim Price. The other lucky winners were Patsy Strunk, Hermine Fagan, Ken Seith, Nina Rizzo, Donald VanLaningham, Taylor Price, Loren Carrell, Jan Engdahl, Larry Hinshaw, Floy Feltman,…