Tag: American Irish Club

American/Irish Club Notice

Mary Pilon, Publicity Faith and Begorrah! We just returned from our annual outing to Laughlin on Feb. 4, 5, and 6. Everyone enjoyed our trip very much. Many games and drawings were held on the bus, many treats were handed out, and many laughs were shared. A huge thank you to George Richardson and his…

Moving Right Along… American/Irish Club

Mary Pilon, Publicity The Irish Club celebrated the new year’s first meeting on Jan. 2 at 5 p.m. in the ballroom. The meeting was short and sweet. The following items were discussed: Laughlin bus trip—Bus arrives at SunBird at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4. It leaves SunBird at exactly 7:30 a.m. (That’s never a…

American/Irish Club

Mary Pilon, Publicity As we say goodbye to 2019, we also have to say goodbye to two of our dear Irish Club members, George Shiel and Don McMullen. Both men were long-time and dearly-loved members who volunteered a lot of time and effort into making the Irish Club so successful. George was our president for several…

American/Irish Club news

Mary Pilon November’s meeting of the Irish Club was held on the patio on Thursday, Nov. 7. President Jack opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag, followed by Treasurer James’ report. Our treasury has $6,062.00, plus $117.00 petty cash in the bank. It was suggested that we donate $10.00 per member towards the…

American/Irish Club news

Mary Pilon, Publicity On Thursday, Oct. 3, the SunBird Irish Club held its first meeting of the season. The meeting was held on Sunbird’s patio, preceded by a happy hour and followed by submarine sandwiches and chips. The meeting was short and sweet. President Jack opened the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag, introduced two…

American/Irish Club news

Mary Pilon, Publicity Our monthly meeting was held in the ballroom on Thursday, February 7, at 5:00 p.m. President Jack opened the meeting by greeting our new members who were present at this meeting. We now have a membership of 175. No new members will be admitted until next October. The Treasurer’s Report was given…

American/Irish Club news

Mary Pilon, Publicity Happy New Year! As we begin another year of fun and games, I will bring you up to date on the goings on of our Irish Club. December was busy. Our December meeting was postponed for a week, resulting in failure to make the deadline for January’s article in the SunBird News.…

American/Irish Club news

  Mary Pilon, Publicity On November 1 at 4:00 p.m., the Irish Club held its second meeting of the season. As of this date, we have 150 paid members. Deadline for renewing existing memberships is January 1, 2019. Also, anyone interested in joining the club can add their names to our waiting list. We are…

SunBird Irish Club news

Mary Pilon Welcoming new and returning members of the Irish Club, President Walt Kinney opened the first meeting of our 2016-2017 session on Thursday, October 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. The minutes of April’s patio party/meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report followed and was approved. There are several committee chairperson…

American-Irish Club news

Mary Pilon, Secretary Our first meeting of the season was held on Tuesday, October 6 in the Horizon Room. President Walt Kinney greeted the members and we were off and running. After the minutes of April’s meeting were read, the Treasurer’s report was given and our various committee chairmen gave their reports, we got down…