Pictured are a few of our tennis members at the Sun Lakes Tournament on Feb. 5 (left to right): Leslie Maach, John Jerome, Sharlene Jerome, Brian Turner, JD Stephenson, Joan Boyle, and Barb Hall.

Pictured is Hal Reimer celebrating his 92nd birthday, munching on cupcakes! Is Perry Rollings hoping Hal will offer him one?
Jen Walden
One of our most skilled and seasoned members, Hal Reimer, celebrated his 92nd birthday last month. We shared his special day with him by munching on cupcakes and treats at the courts—after he had played an hour and a half of tennis! It is so great to see him out there with all of us, still putting away those sneaky cross-court shots, and he continues to play a couple of times a week! We all hope to be playing our favorite sport when we are that age. Good going, Hal!
On Jan. 29 we put up a valiant fight against Trilogy at their facility. The lunch was fabulous, the company exceptional, and the tennis, well, we tried hard and had fun!
Last month we played in a social tournament against Sun Lakes, and JD must have done a great job coordinating the play, as it ended in a tie! We also had a great time playing at Springfield on Feb. 26. They have beautiful courts in a very nice community.
We are hosting two more social tournaments here in SunBird this month. On March 12 Palm Creek joins us to play with Springfield. And on March 19 we are hosting MountainBrook. Then we will be looking forward to having a blast at our “year-end” picnic in early April—date to be determined soon!
Our winter weekly club schedule is outlined below:
Monday: Ladies Doubles, 8:30 to 10 a.m., coordinator Barb Hall
Monday: Men’s Doubles, 10 a.m. to noon, coordinator Gil Gilliland
Tuesday: Men’s Doubles, 9 to 11 a.m., coordinator Jack Barber
Wednesday: Mixed Doubles, 8 to 10 a.m., coordinator Dianna Wreford
Thursday: Ladies Doubles, 9 to 11 a.m., coordinator Joan Boyle
Friday: Mixed Doubles, 9 to 11 a.m. (courts 1 and 2), coordinator John Schlenker
There is a current court schedule posted on the tennis board at the courts detailing both tennis and pickleball assigned times. Tennis sign-up sheets are posted on the tennis board at the sports courts for some of our scheduled tennis activities, or you may email the coordinators directly. You will find contact information for our members on our Member List.
If you are playing as a homeowner or resident (not part of the SunBird Tennis Club), please reserve your desired court times on the available slots on the court reservation sheets.
Your tennis tip for February:
Take Your Time: If you start losing a game or set, slow the pace. If it is your serve, take your time and make sure you are prepared. Take a couple of deep breaths to get yourself calm and be in the moment.
If you are interested in joining our SunBird Tennis Club, please contact our president, John Schlenker, at 847-525-7648.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 1, at 5 p.m. in the Lakeview Room.
Have fun and play well!