Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Camera Club Launches 2024-25 Season

Ken Duquaine The Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) will hold its first meeting of the 2024-25 season at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10, in the Lecture Hall of Cottonwood Country Club. General membership meetings at which educational presentations on photographic topics of interest are given are held on the second Thursday of each month,…

Rotary Club – September 2024

Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Honors Stephen Phair Dr. Honora Norton, RCSL Public Image Chair The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) extends congratulations to RCSL past President Stephen Phair. Stephen was named RCSL July 2024 Rotarian of the Month and 2023-24 RI District 5495 Rotarian of the Year (ROY). Rotary International (RI) Past District…

Registration Is Open!

The Bradshaw/Neu Tennis Tournament, sponsored by the Cottonwood Tennis Club, will be held on Sunday, Dec. 1, through Saturday, Dec. 7. Entry is open to all 55+ communities in the area, and all the Cottonwood courts will be used for the event. Make sure that you are a part of this event as a spectator,…

Bridge Results

Monday Afternoon Bridge Karlene Garn 7/01. 1st Barb Ott, 2nd LaVonne Buland, 3rd Shirley Jackson 7/08. 1st Beth Miller, 2nd Chet Howe, 3rd Marilyn Klooster 7/15. 1st June Preder, 2nd Chet Howe, 3rd Larry Schoenborn 7/22. 1st Dolores Kline, 2nd Larry Schoenborn, 3rd Barb Ott 7/29. 1st Barb Ott, 2nd Frank Nechvatal, 3rd LaVonne Buland…

Card Scores

500 Darlene Thompson We meet in the Apache Room, which is located on the top floor of the clubhouse, on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Please come early. Buy-in is 50 cents. We must leave the chairs and tables where they are located at this time. You have the option to either wear a mask…