Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Word of the Month – December 2014

David Zapatka The October Word of the Month article highlighting the difference between the words “historic” and “historical” sparked this question from reader Marilyn Conner. “What is the difference between ‘illegal’ and ‘unlawful’?” According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word illegal means not “allowed by law; not legal.” The word unlawful means “not lawful; illegal.”…

East Valley Marines support JROTC cadets

The Marine Corps’ JROTC from Casa Grande at their 2014 drill completion.

Denise Lott East Valley Marines Detachment 1296 helps support the Vista Grande High School’s Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) in Casa Grande. They provide scholarships each year toward college expenses for a graduating cadet. They also help send young Marine cadets on an annual trip to Camp Pendleton for a first-hand look…

Manager’s Report – November 2014

This past year the clubhouse has received a lot attention for upkeep and maintenance to keep it modern and updated. The clubhouse is 27 years old and many parts of it have been replaced or had major maintenance. This past summer most of the drain pipes in the west end of the clubhouse were removed…

2 Your Health – November 2014

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SunBird News dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

Line Dancing with Judee – November 2014

Judee Curtis It is very humbling to have classes cancelled because of my “hiccup in life” and have the dancers come back when they restarted; plus, some dancers have suggested the classes to new people and they came, too. Our dancers from last winter also gave their support through e-mails and have indicated they are…