Sue McCutcheon Bridge players – mark your calendars for the Bridge Gala on February 22 at 1:00 p.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. The cost will be $5. All are welcome!

Sue McCutcheon Bridge players – mark your calendars for the Bridge Gala on February 22 at 1:00 p.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. The cost will be $5. All are welcome!
Norm Ott The SunBird Men’s Golf Association moved into high gear in November as many of the winter snowbirds began to arrive back at SunBird. Only three Thursday tournaments were held during the month with Thanksgiving being a day off. Approximately 80 golfers participated in these events. The results of these tournaments are shown later…
The fifth SunBird Open Tournament netted a whopping $8,802 for a golf course project to be determined at a later date. KP winners were Marta Poykko, Janet Farrell, Gary Stahn, Loren Wallace, Rick Murphy, Mary Lou Trautman, Bob Thiesen, Mary Anne Gosney and Erv Sarkelft. Hole No. 8 – Put your drive into the “heart”…
The Project Review and Long Range Planning Committee is still in the process of locating a suitable area for bocce ball courts. SunBird has very limited space for additional outdoor activities so shared space is now under consideration. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact the SunBird office at 480-802-4901.
What a great turnout; 132 of us showed up to watch the 132nd Grey Cup on November 30. It was a great game, especially the last quarter where we almost saw the Hamilton Tiger Cats defeat the Calgary Stampeders, but it was not to be. The touchdown by Hamilton was disallowed due to a flag…