Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Thank You, Friends – February 2015

Joan Lemmons Thank you to all in SunBird for their warm thoughts and prayers before, during and after my back surgery. Only in SunBird could you get so much support. v SunBird Library Nancy Smith, Librarian The SunBird Library wishes to thank SunBird resident Coach Dave Buttrill for his generous donation of historical books. They…

SunBird film series

Ron Erway and Sara Schmidt We are residents (sunbirds, actually) of the SunBird community for the past 10 years. We would like to show a series of six films over February, March and April. We have collected these films over several years and want to share them with any interested residents. The first in the…

Korean War Veterans news

The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, February 24 in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. Each month we have a passionate, informational and entertaining speaker that will leave you glad that you came! Please join us Tuesday to find out who…

Barry’s D.J. Oldie’s Party

“Let The Good Times Roll” with Barry’s DJ Oldies Party on Saturday, February 7 and Saturday, February 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Golf Pro Shop Lounge, Mulligans, 25425 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248. Dancing! Line dancing! Sing-a-longs! Music trivia! Special guest singers! No cover charge! Open to all Sun…

SunBird Community Church news

Bob Neuman Harvey Mackay, a well known columnist, was sent a set of the Second Ten Commandments. Although not handed to Moses, these are common sense and do tie in with scripture. Number one is “Thou shall not worry because worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.” A day of worry is more…