Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

SunBird Fishing Club

The SunBird Golf Club and the SunBird HOA are looking to see if there is interest in starting a fishing club in SunBird. If you are interested please contact the SunBird office. The lake to the southwest of the Clubhouse located on the golf course will be stocked with approximately 600 fish this spring for…

Golf tournament a phenomenal success

Rosie VanderVeen Bravo! Kudos! Hoorah! Words that summarize the first Kare Bear golf tournament! Over 100 golfers participated in the event on January 10. The weather was cold but coffee and donuts were provided bringing warmth and sustenance. Following the golf game, a sumptuous luncheon was enjoyed served by Julie and Izzie from the Horizon…

SBMGA news and scores

Norm Ott The SunBird Men’s Golf Association main event for the month of January was the annual Match Play Challenge. In match play a golfer plays up to 18 holes, or more if tied, against a single opponent. The player who wins the most holes is declared the winner of the match and goes on…

Footnotes from the library – March 2015

Marilyn Klooster March – Will it come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? The SunBird Library volunteers will enter in with a “roar” if borrowed materials are not returned to the library. As we “march” into spring, our energy increases with the freshness in the air, the floral fragrances, the perfume…