Category: Association News

General Information Meeting Regarding Drainage Nov. 30

Water from our SunBird streets, property, and passageways funnels into retention basins, which includes the golf course, has been increasing, causing more excessive standing water following storms. This leads to mosquitoes, damage to the landscape, foul odors, and can be unsightly. We reached out for external help from a local stormwater firm, Copper State Engineering,…

SBGC President’s Report

Dave White, President, SunBird Golf Club Overseed starts on Saturday, Oct. 8, beginning at noon, and we expect to reopen on Saturday, Oct. 29. Keep an eye on the eblast in the Sunbird News published weekly on Friday evening and in the Monday eblast for updates to our opening! “Cart path only” starts on the…

Post Office Update

Jan Griffin, Manager In July there was an increase in Forever stamps. They are now 60 cents for a single stamp and $12 for a book of 20 stamps. A coil of 100 stamps is now $60. Second ounce is 24 cents. Just a reminder regarding vacation holds: Please come to the SunBird Post Office…

Manager’s Report

Finally, hopes of cooling down is in the near future. It’s been a hot summer with an unusual amount of several dirt and dust storms with lightning and very little rain. With the good weather approaching in the forecast, many of our residents are beginning to return back to SunBird. Welcome back home! Cox Communications…

Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

The board of directors met Sept. 26 for a regular scheduled business meeting. This meeting was held after the printing of this edition of the SunBird News. These notes will be published in the November issue. The next scheduled board business meeting is Monday, Nov. 21, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. All are welcome to…

Editorial Reminder

The deadline for the November edition is Oct. 10 by 4 p.m. Please send your submission on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to or use our website: For article and photo guidelines or if you have questions, please call 480-895-4216.

ACC Permit Reminder

Bonnie Marcus, ACC Committee I would like to remind you that all exterior modifications or changes to your home must have an ACC Permit and must be reviewed and approved by the ACC Committee before any work begins. This would include painting, air conditioners, concrete, patios, driveways, walkways, garbage enclosures, sunscreens, awnings, ramadas, room additions,…

Kare Bears Begins Season Under New Leadership

Shirley Jackson The first meeting of the SunBird Kare Bears will occur on Wednesday, Oct. 19, commencing at 1 p.m. in the SunBird ballroom. President Karen Volk will preside over the meeting with new board members Kay Davis (vice president) and Lena Craft, Patsy Covington, and Donna Moran (members at large). Barb Dunbar will serve…

All Aboard

Harry Huckemeyer The Short Line Model Railroad Club is rapidly tracking into the second half of the 2022 season anxiously with a heavy load and an expectation of some fun times, as there are some busy times not too far ahead. This is the time of the year when our area shines, as many of…