Darlene Thompson We play year-round. We meet in the new room (called the Apache Room) on the third floor of the clubhouse. There is no fee. Playing is free. We start playing at 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Ponytail is a form of Hand and Foot, only a little more detailed. Come and join us, and…
Category: Card Games & Sports
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Join Us for Poker
We need poker players. We play dealer’s choice on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Hopi Room. Bids are 5 cents, 10 cents, and 25 cents. There are High-Low Poker games. If interested, call Sally at 734-657-7294.
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Golf Course Event Listing 2022
Christina Riley, Assistant Golf Shop Manager • July 2 (Saturday): U.S. Kids Tournament 9 a.m. • July 4 (Monday): July 4th Tournament, shotgun at 7:30 a.m. • August: El Diablo Tournament, details to follow • Sept. 5 (Monday): Labor Day Tournament, shotgun at 7:30 a.m.
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Bridge Results
Monday Bridge Karlene Garn May winners: 5/02. 1st Beth Miller, 2nd Mary Jo Howe, 3rd Chet Howe 5/09. 1st Peggy White, 2nd Larry Schoenborn, 3rd June Preder 5/16. 1st Barb Davis, 2nd Dorothy Sykes, 3rd Shirley Jackson 5/23. 1st Dorothy Sykes, 2nd Dolores Kline, 3rd Barb Ott 5/30. 1st Dorothy Sykes, 2nd Rose Brown, 3rd…
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Card Scores
500 Darlene Thompson We meet in the Apache Room, which is on the top floor, on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Please come early. Buy-in is 50 cents. We must leave the chairs and tables where they are located at this time. You have the option to either wear a mask or not. We are…
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Thursday Throwdown: Water Volleyball in the Evening?
A new, free event is starting! Thursday Throwdown is a once-a-week competitive water volleyball game in the evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. A trial run has been completed, and 18 players shared in laughter, competition, and fun! This game is designed for competitive play, with some rule changes from our friendly daily game at…
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Hole In One: Congratulations Pat Arnold

Margaret Munsch, Publicity Congratulations to Pat Arnold who got a hole-in-one on hole number 5 on May 31, 2022. Using her 8-iron, she hit the sweet spot, and the ball went in the air, hit the fringe of the green, bounced, and hit the flag stick, dropping in the hole—doesn’t get much prettier than that!…
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Sheepshead (Card Game)
We are looking for people to play Sheepshead, a Wisconsin/Midwest game that uses 32 cards and is for three to five players. If you are interested in learning/playing this game, please sign up in the Poster Room located across from the library.
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Donate to the Green-Up Fund
SunBird Golf Club Board of Directors It’s that time of year again … when golf courses in Arizona begin planning their annual overseeding with rye grass. Our base grass, which is bermudagrass, loves the heat but goes dormant in the fall. If left alone, the bermudagrass turns brown from November through May, the exact time…
Card Games & Sports, July 2022
Summer Tennis Continues!
Jen Walden It gets pretty quiet on the sport courts during the hot months, but there are still a few of us enjoying summer tennis here in SunBird. We are presently able to fill two courts in the mornings, allowing all those interested to play on a rotational basis when we have more than eight…