Dean Athmer The Sun Lakes Posse will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, July 9, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will be in the meeting room with plenty of space to comply with social distancing requirements. Here are the basic requirements to give blood: * Donation frequency: every 56…
Category: Association News
Association News, July 2020
COVID-19 Limitations
Layne Varney, General Manager If sick, stay home. If you have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19 or who is ill or has had a fever, stay home. If you are of a high-risk population, have a compromised immune system, or are uncomfortable, stay home. Social distance from others by at least six feet.…
Association News, July 2020
Patrol Report
Chief Catri ARTICLE VIII – PET CONTROL: When you are out walking your pet dog and even your cat, they must be on a leash. SunBird Golf Resort Rules and Regulation Article VIII – Pet Control states “…anyone walking or exercising a pet in any area outside of their own residence shall: Keep such pet on a…
Association News, July 2020
Groceries to Go Program for Residents

Jessica Dingman, Marketing Manager At Renaissance, our goal is to provide incredible service and care—and that means adapting new programs and services whenever possible to help our residents. Due to recent changes and restrictions due to COVID-19, we wanted to ensure residents have access to everything they need to stay safe while remaining in the…
Association News, July 2020
Manager’s Report July 2020

Summer is here! Temperatures have already exceeded the 111-degree mark. Even though it is not officially the monsoon season yet, SunBird had its first monsoon-type storm with strong wind with clouds of the thick dirt followed by a quick heavy downpour of rain, lightning, and thunder. Some trees in the common areas were damaged or…
Association News, July 2020
It’s Time to Trim Your Palm Trees

Bonnie Marcus Now that the palm flowers have bloomed, it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. We are now in monsoon season; with the high winds and heavy rains, these palm trees can leave unsightly debris throughout the community and can cause damage to your home or your neighbors’. If you are not in SunBird…
Association News, July 2020
HOA Board Notes
Nancy Eckstein, HOA Board President Normally, the board of directors do not meet during June, July, and August. However, we decided to hold a business meeting on June 8 to update homeowners on what had been happening during the COVID-19 shutdown. The board had met many times with Layne since mid-March to discuss and make…
Association News, July 2020
Email News Group
Layne Varney, General Manager SunBird has an email newsletter and special-notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for the SunBird email list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at and click on the icon picture of the email chimp (monkey) at…
Association News, July 2020
SunBird Vehicle Control Gates
Layne Varney, General Manager SunBird, as a gated community, has control gates and barrier arm devices to assist in minimizing unauthorized vehicles from entering SunBird. Authorized entry to open the vehicle control gates can be operated by remote controls for homeowners, purchased at the SunBird office, or by using a personalized four-digit code assigned to…
Association News, July 2020
SunBird Website News
Layne Varney, General Manager SunBird’s website has some of the latest news and information of what’s going on in SunBird. SunBird’s activities, meetings, calendars, clubs, groups, and organizations have contact information that can be accessed at Come visit us.