The 2017 SunBird Golf Resort Homeowner Association annual assessments are $920 paid in half bi-annually. The first half of $460 was due January 1 of 2017, and the second half invoices were mailed in the amount of $460 due July 1, 2017. If you do not receive an invoice soon, please feel free to contact…
Category: June 2017
Community News, June 2017
This, That and Other Stuff
Bob Neuman I am convinced that people like to be complimented and acknowledged. One rarely receives bad reply from them. But what about long ago friends youíve lost track of or have simply forgotten? Perhaps they were a part of and important in your life then. I believe we all have had pivotal moments that…
Community News, June 2017
It’s time to trim your palm trees

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator Just a friendly reminder that, as summer is approaching us, it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. Pruning should be performed no more than once a year, if done, preferably at the end of June or July. Please determine if it is time for you to prune your palm…
Community News, June 2017
Recording kiosk opens at Ed Robson Branch Library

Sherry Jackson, Corporate Communications, RCI A new kiosk from the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office has opened at the Ed Robson Branch Library in Sun Lakes. The digital recording kiosk brings the Recorder’s office to Sun Lakes and allows for the convenient recording of documents without having to go into the downtown or Mesa offices. “We…
Community News, June 2017
Pastor of St. Steven’s Catholic Community is retiring

Mary Vitolo Father Leo Pierre Hissey is retiring in June 2017, after 12 years as Pastor of St. Steven’s Roman Catholic Church. On Sunday, April 30, 2017, approximately 400 members of the St. Steven’s Community attended Father Pierre’s Retirement Celebration. Mr. Dennis McMullen, the main speaker, shared the story from the first time Father arrived…
Association News, June 2017
Sunday Breakfast Buffet
Sunday breakfast buffet is now available each Sunday for $10.00. For lighter diners, we will now be offering a small list for order off the menu. The Ballroom is open for Sunday breakfast from 8:00 a.m. until noon. We look forward to seeing you.
Community News, June 2017
Mixed reviews?
Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes A few years ago, it was my wonderful privilege to visit Mars Hill in Athens, Greece, where the apostle Paul had preached on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us in Acts 17 that there were actually three different responses to his message.…
Community News, June 2017
SunBird Community Church
Bob Neuman “And after you suffer for a short time, God, Who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever.” I Peter 5:10 Regarding God’s grace, author…
Community News, June 2017
Divine inspiration – stimulated motivation – Arden celebration

Rosie VanderVeen My friend Eddie Pepe is 83 years young! Have you seen him on the street walking and carrying weights? He’s found a new lease on life. He doesn’t talk the talk … he walks the walk. An overcomer! Now a little background information. Eddie’s dad, an Italian immigrant, came to America in 1923.…
Front Page, June 2017
It was a double installation dinner for the SunBird Lions Club

On April 18, the Chandler SunBird Lions Club held its 2017-2018 Installation Dinner in the Ballroom of the SunBird Recreation Center. The dinner was a joint officers’ installation with the Basha High School Leo’s Club. SunBird officers include President Julie Napton, Vice President Bill Hespel, Reporting Secretary Fred Garmeson, Recording Secretary Marilyn Hespel, Treasurer Ken…