Category: June 2017

Manager’s Report

It’s hard to believe summer is here already! The end of April and beginning of May, the temperature cooled down unusually for a couple weeks in SunBird with strong winds. Temperatures over 100 degrees will be arriving soon. Monsoon season typically begins in July and continues through August. Now is a good time to start…

SunBird Summertime Pickleball

Roger Mandeville Yes, the temperatures are rising and many residents have departed for the northland. For those of us who plan to have fun this summer, the pickleball courts are waiting for us to come out and play. The following is the pickleball schedule for the summer months. SunBird summer pickleball hours – May: Monday…

Line Dancing with Judee

Judee Curtis After teaching for 17+ years, I’m amazed that Line Dancing is misunderstood. 1) You don’t need a partner to Line Dance. 2) Dances taught in my classes probably won’t be seen unless dancers go in a group to a dance and dance the dances they were taught. “LD Etiquette: Dance only the dances…

June schedule for energy yoga exercises

Classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; mornings 7:45-8:45 a.m., and afternoons 4:00-5:00 p.m. During June, since the classes are smaller, we will be working on exercises and poses (called asanas) to assist healing and better functioning of the organs. The liver and gallbladder, the stomach, spleen and intestines will be addressed. At the…

Crack Pots news

Lani Pappano The Crackpots SunBird Ceramic Club is very happy to announce two new instructors to help guide us with our projects. Mary Beth Kosiba and Larry Kosiba will be holding classes throughout the summer months. Lani Pappano will be joining them again in October. The Crackpots Ceramic Club of SunBird would like to thank…

Computer Booters goes into summer hibernation

Ed Robson Library’s new branch manager, Jenny Young, and Al Hill

Kc Coller, Publicity Director Our May general meeting was most likely comprised of residents who are year-rounders of the Sun Lakes-SunBird areas. How nice to see all the smiling faces there to listen and ask questions of our guest speaker Jenny Young. It was great to have Alan Levy with us again after his medical…

Piano lessons

Artha Jackson If you are a year-round resident or here for just a few months, keep your mind sharp with piano lessons and stay cool in your house playing a few fun tunes on your piano or keyboard. Contact SunBird resident Artha Jackson at 602-312-9435 to get you started!