May brings warm sun and the breathtaking beauty of many of our native Arizona plants. Also coming alive in May is the Summer Session of the Community Church of SunBird. We gather to worship with enthusiasm the year-round faithfulness of God. We celebrate our personal relationship that He makes possible with His followers. Our dress…
Category: May 2022
Card Games & Sports, May 2022
Tennis Club News

Jen Walden It was great to be able to return to our usual tennis club activities this past season after suffering through all the restrictions, limitations, and confinement the previous two years. All of our Canadian friends were able to return and join us on the courts, and we acquired a few new members as…
Card Games & Sports, May 2022
Lady 18ers Club Championship and End of the Season Mixer

The SunBird Ladies League 18ers held their annual Club Championship on March 8 and 15. This is a two-week flighted, low gross tournament, using the total scores from the two weeks. Congratulations to Cindy Vig on winning the tournament and becoming the 2022 Club Champion! Cindy came in top place with a gross score of…
Clubs & Classes, May 2022
SunBird Lions Club

Bingo Winners Arlene Block The following were Double Your Money winners and other lucky winners from SunBird Lions Club Bingo held on Friday, March 18: John Archinger (won three games), James Jerome, Joan Green, Patty Brocky, Kathy Schoenborn, Carol Oakley, Lucille Tweit, Maura Mosley, Carolyn Kern, Mona Rice, Kim Price, Marilyn Klooster, Lynn Mollohan, Bob…
Community News, May 2022
Put Your Creativity to Work
Community News, May 2022
New Adventures In Learning

What’s New with New Adventures? Jan Bobbett and Mary Kenny New Adventures volunteers have been very busy preparing for the summer semester and are now able to share what’s in store starting in June. So, let’s get ready. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting summer semester! Registration will start at 10 a.m.…
Association News, May 2022
Manager’s Report
The spring heavenly weather has come and is going … going … gone, as temperatures are now approaching triple digits. Many of SunBird’s seasonal residents and visitors have either headed north or are in preparation of leaving to get away from the brutal temperatures of the summer months. This has been an absolutely terrific season…
Association News, May 2022
Election Committee Members
The SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association Board of Directors election process is scheduled for this upcoming fall. To assist in the preparation and election process, an Election Committee needs to be appointed by the board of directors prior to this summer. If you are a homeowner in good standing and are interested in being considered…
Association News, May 2022
Thinning Fruit Trees
The SunBird Fruit Picking team has a request of all the homeowners who have fruit trees. After your trees are picked, it is time to trim and thin out the trees. By thinning out the trees, it makes it safer for the volunteers who are picking the fruit. They return from picking with torn shirts…
Card Games & Sports, May 2022
Relishing Pickleball: The Volley—Part 2
David Zapatka Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals: Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, “Your entire demeanor at the net should be confident and strong. Let your attitude convey that you want the ball to come right at you because you’re willing and able to return it! Face the net with…