Category: February 2020

Footnotes from the Library

Nancy Smith “Accidental Gems:” These are the books you stumble upon that you thought you’d never read, and they were true gems. Senner’s Gold, by Helen Corbin(non-fiction). Historian Tom Kollenborn and former Attorney General Bob Corbin reveal their search for the other Superstition treasures. A true historical story in novel form. Well written with maps…

SunBird Town Hall Meetings

The SunBird Golf Resort HOA Board of Directors and the SunBird Golf Club Board of Directors are co-hosting a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the ballroom. The purpose of this meeting is to help the SunBird Community have a better understanding of the history, facts, and relationship between the…

Manager’s Report February 2020

It’s a great time of year at SunBird with all of the activities and events in full operation. We are excited about the many new activities and events that have been scheduled this year. The clubhouse and recreational facilities are packed daily with residents enjoying and having fun! The weather has been terrific and is…

Beginning Watercolor Students Wanted

Jean Anderson I’m inviting you to join us and learn how to paint with watercolors. I have fun classes at SunBird and at Oakwood. We have a lot of laughs, and I’ve been thrilled by how quickly everyone catches on. Watercolor is fun, and the experience is so relaxing, it can be like meditation. It’s…

Donate to the Chandler Food Bank

Julie Harman My name is Julie, I am a SunBird resident, and I volunteer at a Chandler Food Bank. If you have extra food (unopened, please) that you can’t use, I would be glad to take it to the food bank. The food bank also accepts toiletries, cleaning products, paper products, and other miscellaneous items.…

Is Your Yard Weed-Free?

ACC Committee SunBird homeowners are solely responsible to keep their property free of all dead/dying weeds. With the cooler weather we’ve been having, accompanied by rains during the holidays, this is bringing out the weeds! It is strongly advised to have your yard sprayed with a pre-emergent every six months. We cannot stress how important…

SunBird Yarn Club Notice

Dianne Reed The SunBird Yarn club meets each Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. in the Hopi Room. If you are learning and your first attempt to crochet a dishcloth turned into a triangle, or if you are experienced and can teach us intarsia and mosaic knitting, we want you. We share advice and patterns, exchange…