Board of Directors had an Agenda Planning and Business meeting, both on December 10. The following are notes from this meeting: Members Present: Dee Brown-Knoeppel, Don Calvert, Shirley Clark, Linda DiPalma, Nancy Eckstein, Gordon Lee, Bob Moren and Layne Varney, General Manager President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Minutes Review…
Category: February 2019
Card Games & Sports, February 2019
Lady 18ers holiday fun

In December, SunBird’s Lady 18ers played the Ladies Net Shoot Out, finishing under the cover of darkness. The days do get short in December. First Place finisher was Joyce Gerber, followed by Dana Marrs and Wendie Cameron. Next, we turned our thoughts to visions of sugarplums. It turns out that you can never have too…
Community News, February 2019
Manager’s Report
It’s a GREAT TIME of year at SunBird with all of the activities and events in full operation. We are excited about the many new activities and events scheduled this year. The clubhouse and recreational facilities are packed daily with residents enjoying and having fun! The weather has been terrific and is arguably the best…
Clubs & Classes, February 2019
Desert Threads quilting members prepare for annual show
With the Arizona Quilters Guild Quilt Show opening on March 21 through March 23, 2019, at the Mesa Convention Center, many Desert Thread members are busy putting finishing touches on their show quilts. This is the first year Desert Thread members will have their quilts adjudicated by two nationally-ranked judges with a written score sheet.…
Clubs & Classes, February 2019
Line Dancing with Judee
What a great start for the New Year 2019! Doubling the number of dancers doubles the amount of teaching and learning, exercising minds and bodies, listening and dancing to great music and having fun with some of the nicest people! You never know how a dance is going to “go over.” When you see the…
Association News, February 2019
Board of Director elections
The 2019 Board of Director elections are completed. Tammy Bachofner and Dan Buescher were elected to serve on the Board. Congratulations! We would like to thank all of the candidates who have volunteered their time and effort to be willing to serve SunBird as a Director. The 2019 Board of Directors: Nancy Eckstein, President Linda…
Clubs & Classes, February 2019
Healing with essential oils
The next oil sharing will be on February 6, the first Wednesday, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. In February, we will be making a blend for arthritis. We made this blend before, and people remarked how much better they felt when they used this blend. The pain lessened or was gone. And there were no…
Association News, February 2019
Chandler Waste Services Program
Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator With everyone returning for the winter, I would like to reiterate the Chandler Waste Services Program. Every Monday, the City will pick up your blue can or recyclables. These items can be newspapers, magazines, paper sacks, cardboard boxes, aluminum beverage cans, steel tin cans, soup-type cans, plastic bottles, jugs and containers,…
Community News, February 2019
Annual Bridge Gala news flash
Jim and Sue McCutcheon There are only 17 more days until SunBird’s annual Bridge Gala! We hope if you are a bridge player, you’ll be in the Horizon Room on February 17 at 1:30 p.m. to begin a Sunday afternoon of fun and challenge with the cards you are dealt. As in the past, the…
Community News, February 2019
Donate to the Chandler Food Bank
My name is Julie, I am a SunBird resident and I volunteer at a Chandler Food Bank. If you have extra food (unopened, please) that you can’t use, I would be glad to take it to the food bank. The food bank also accepts toiletries, cleaning products, paper products and other miscellaneous items. You can…