Tag: veterans


Gene Gulliver They were there with Washington when he crossed the Delaware. They were there when the Star Spangled Banner was conceived. They were at Shiloh and Gettysburg. They charged up a hill in San Juan. They laid in muddy trenches, enduring savage artillery barrages in France. They stormed the murderous beaches of Normandy and marched…

Fly the flag with pride

Fred Garmeson During the week of December 7 residents saw the American flag flying throughout SunBird to honor those that fought at Pearl Harbor on that day. That is just one of eight days that the SunBird Lions puts out flags for their subscribers. Other dates include Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day,…

Invitation to local veterans

Forrest Cheuvront Sun Lakes Lions Club is offering local U.S. veterans a special opportunity to serve their community. The Involve a U.S. Veteran program is a nationwide initiative sponsored by Lions Clubs International that offers qualified U.S. veterans an entrance fee waiver when joining a local Lions club. Eligible veterans include retired U.S. military personnel…

Sun Lakes VFW supports Lions Club

Lions Club members Garner and Sully with Commander Peer

Cheri Almond Sun Lakes Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8053 works closely with philanthropic clubs within Sun Lakes that support our veterans. Sun Lakes Lions Club is such an organization with whom the VFW is proud to support. As a result of the Post’s support in ticket sales and volunteer work at the Lions’…

Korean War Veterans Association – December 2014

John W. Sonley, Wounded, 5th RCT and Dominic DiGiovanni, Wounded 555 F.A. Unbeknownst to the citizens of Scottsdale and the state of Arizona, on October 25 over 400 Korean War veterans and guests invaded the area without casualties to either side. These veterans and their guests were invited to attend the presentation of an Ambassador…

Salute Our Vets Golf Tournament

Fred Garmeson The annual Salute Our Veterans Golf Tournament sponsored by the SunBird Lions Club and the Lions Foundation of Arizona will be held on November 15. There will be a 7:00 a.m. check in and an 8:00 a.m. shotgun start. The format is a four person scramble. There will be a $10,000 prize for…