Tag: SunBird Lions Club

SunBird Lions Club

Arlene Block We hope that everyone is doing well. SunBird Lions Club is still trying to serve our community and others by staying safe and healthy. Lion Bill Hespel has delivered a check to AZCEND Food Pantry to help them replenish their shelves. The SunBird Lions Club is proud of all its members and friends…

SunBird Lions Club Update

Arlene Block We were all surprised to see how long the coronavirus has kept us from enjoying the many things we all took for granted. Hopefully, there will be a time soon when we can gradually begin to enjoy the things we all missed. As temperatures rise and you are drinking more sodas, etc., we…

SunBird Lions Club

We, the SunBird Lions Club members, extend to everyone our wishes that you are all healthy and safe during this trying time. Our plans to complete the season with all our activities, like all other organizations, ended with everyone in isolation. We were all looking forward to the Bernie and Red show, bingo, socials, and…

SunBird Lions Club Lucky Bingo Winners

Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club lucky bingo winners for Jan. 17, 2020, were Patricia Barbosa (won two games), Mike Malta, Ervie Anderson, Rosemary Meininger, Margaret Wiseman, Cindy Vig, Kim Kaminski, Kaitlyn Thomas(won two games), Vicki Baker, Rene Schlenker, Dorothy Mills, Barbara Stolper, Fran Lyman, Joan Risgway, Kim Price (won two games). Bingo is held the…

Ready to Greet Spring

Yvonne Orlich After the SunBird Lions Club hosted their Holiday Concert in December, we took a short holiday break. We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is off to a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year. The break is over, and… weee’rrreee baaaaacck. We are back with new music and have begun rehearsals…

SunBird Lion’s Club Winners

Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club lucky winners from Friday, Dec. 20, 2019 (the last bingo for the year 2019) were Ida K. Newell, Charlene Loomis, Janet Sieth (2), Dorothy Mills (2), Mary Fagan, Margaret Erikson, Diane Foote, Amanda Nauch, Linda Branson, Lynn Middleton, Marcia McHugh, Karen Gilmore, and Diane Wimmer. Emnaline Belcount and Debbie…

No Pancake Breakfast February 8

Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club No Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the ballroom. Breakfast will consist of sausage, ham, or vegetarian casserole; blueberry or plain muffin; and coffee, tea, or hot cocoa. Tickets can be purchased for $8 each from 10 a.m.…

SunBird Lions Club News

Congratulations to Wendy Herrboldt for doubling her bingo prize winnings by having the allowed numbers called during the game. Congratulations also to Ken Sieth for winning the big “cover all” prize of $160.00. Our other lucky winners were Ann L. Snyder, Rose Brown, Felicia Stenberg (2), Judy Chubin, Mona Rice, Sandy Schur (2), Dennis Henderson,…