Layne Varney, General Manager The weather this spring has been great for enjoying the outdoors and life. During the month of May, the temperature has been in the 90s, for the most part, and on a few occasions, reached the low 100s. In June the temperatures are expected to rise to 110. Although the weather…
Tag: SunBird Lions Club
Clubs & Classes, June 2021
Chandler SunBird Lions Club
Lion Arlene Block Chandler SunBird Lions Club collected blankets and clothing for those in need for World Service Day. All items were delivered to the Clothes Cabin. Thank you to all who helped to make this so successful. Many people will benefit from your kindness.
Front Page, May 2021
Lions Club Flying 630 Flags
Lion Arlene Block Lion Carol Zittel has noted that 630 flags will be flying from Memorial Day through July, plus all of the other national holidays. Please, if you are interested in showing your patriotism, contact Lion Carol at 480-883-0958 and join the proud Americans. It is such a beautiful sight to drive around and…
Front Page, May 2021
Lion Receives Melvin Jones Award

Lion Arlene Block Lion Marilyn Hespel received the Melvin Jones award from the Chandler SunBird Lions Club. Melvin Jones was the founder of the Lions Clubs International; the award is a dedication to Humanitarian service. One wears proudly the pin in display of the plaque. Congratulations to Marilyn.
Clubs & Classes, February 2021
Lions Club Upcoming Events
Chandler SunBird Lions Club The Chandler SunBird Lions Club is accepting applications for new members. There is an informational tri-fold pamphlet in the SunBird lobby, or you can contact Chandler SunBird Membership Chairperson, Lion Irene Zeppelin, at 651-206-8932 for your new membership application. You can make a difference. By participating in the Chandler SunBird Lions Club,…
Community News, February 2021
SunBird Lions Toy Distribution
Arlene Block Chandler SunBird Lions Club collected 139 toys for Hartford School children. The toys were delivered by Lion Carol Zittel for their holiday party on Dec. 17, 2020.
Clubs & Classes, February 2021
SunBird Lions Club Update
Arlene Block While SunBird Lions Club is following the rules and regulations during the pandemic, we have continued to help those in need. In November and December, we collected toys for the children at Hartford School. Several Lions collected foods and hygiene items for the AZCEND Food Pantry. Lion Carol Zittel and her volunteers made…
Community News, February 2021
Chandler SunBird Lions Club: Hot Pancake Breakfast on February 19
Chandler SunBird Lions Club Breakfast will be served in the SunBird Horizon Restaurant, from 7 to 9:30 a.m. Tickets are available by contacting Lion Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215 or any Lion member. Tickets will be available the morning of the breakfast at the restaurant. Horizon Room staff will be serving hot pancakes, with your choice…
Front Page, January 2021
Tee Up For Childhood Cancer
Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club will sponsor “Tee Up For Childhood Cancer” on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021, at the SunBird Golf Resort, located at 6250 S. SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249. Proceeds to benefit the diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancer. Event Info: 4-Player Scramble; $45 per person; 8 a.m. check-in on patio; 9 a.m. shotgun start. $10,000…
Clubs & Classes, November 2020
SunBird Lions Donate Computers to Hartford School

Fred Garmeson On Oct. 1, the Chandler SunBird Lions Club donated 10 laptop computers to the Hartford Elementary School in Chandler. The Hartford Elementary School is in an underrepresented area of Chandler with high poverty. The SunBird Lions Club has a long working relationship with the school. School Principal Heather Anguiano said that due to…