Tag: SunBird Garden Club

Have You Seen Me?

I am the SunBird Garden Club’s March Rock of the Month. I can be found among the cacti, plants, and other landscape in the rock gardens. If you find me, take me home and call Garden Club member Mary Jane Mogden at 815-861-1755. The first person who captures the rock will return it to the…

Have You Seen Me?

I am the SunBird Garden Club’s February Rock of the Month. I can be found among the cacti, plants, and other landscape in the rock gardens. If you find me, take me home and call Garden Club member Mary Jane at 815-861-1755. The first person who captures the rock will return it to the Garden…

Have You Seen Me?

I am the SunBird Garden Club’s December Rock of the Month. I can be found among the cacti, plants, and other landscape in the rock gardens. If you find me, take me home and call Garden Club member Mary Jane Mogden at 815-861-1755. The first person who captures the rock and returns it to the Garden Club will receive…

SunBird Garden Club Season Ending

Laurie Doyle The SunBird Garden Club has wrapped up the 2020-21 season. While the usual meetings and events were suspended due to the coronavirus, the Garden Club remained active, maintaining the numerous gardens in SunBird, as well as assisting in creating new gardens and viewing spots. The garden spot along Championship Road in front of…

Have You Seen Me?

Laurie Doyle I am the SunBird Garden Club’s March Rock of the Month. I can be found among the cacti, plants, and other landscape in the rock gardens. If you find me, take me home and call Garden Club member Mary Jane Mogden at 815-861-1755. The first person who captures the rock will return it…

Garden Club Endorses CC&R Proposal Change

Laurie Doyle The SunBird Garden Club Board voted unanimously to endorse the HOA proposal to add a $300 capital improvement fee paid by new homeowners to be designated for golf course projects. Projects will be limited to those that benefit the entire community, such as improvements to irrigation and storm water ponds. The Garden Club…

Have You Seen Me?

Laurie Doyle I am the SunBird Garden Club’s January Rock of the Month. I can be found amongst the cacti, plants, and other landscape, in the rock gardens. If you find me, take me home and call garden club member Mary Jane Mogdans at 815-861-1755. The first person who captures the rock will return it…

Have You Seen Me?

Laurie Doyle I am the SunBird Garden Club’s December Rock of the Month. I can be found among the cacti, plants, and other landscape in the rock gardens. If you find me, take me home and call garden club member Mary Jane Mogdans at 815-861-1755. The first person who captures the rock will return it…

SunBird Garden Club Always at Work!

The SunBird Garden Club always is working and making excellent improvements to the community. This past month, the Garden Club and volunteers made beautiful landscape improvements with additional rocks and new plants to the landscaping on the golf course along Championship Drive just south of La Costa Drive. We sincerely appreciate all those who support…

SunBird Garden Club News

"Rock of the Month" Contest winner Doris Porell

Jan Davidson Well, here it is — April already, and it seems that we just got here! To all who are or who will be on their way back to their other abodes, please have a safe trip home. To all who stay, please stay cool and soldier on. We look forward to seeing everyone…