Letter from SBLGA president

Dana Marrs Hello, everyone! Can you believe the summer is over and it’s time to start our winter season? I am so looking forward to getting back to SunBird and seeing all our lovely ladies again. As always, we want to encourage new people to join us. We have a great group with lots of…

SBLGA-18 Holers

As I write this article the over seeding is in process and the course is already beginning to look good. By the time you read this and are back in SunBird; the course should be in great shape! Course schedule cha*nges: Dave Jones has informed me that we will have shotgun starts in the morning…

SBLGA Tournament winners

Pictured are some of the Ladies SunBird Cup participants (left to right) Jean Pritchard, Trish Carrel and B.J. Schermerhorn

The SunBird Ladies 18ers have had a great month. From Board elections to championship play we kept busy and had fun. We welcomed our new Board: President Cindy Vig, Vice-President Karen Gilmore, Treasurer Jane Siroius and Secretary Heather Verbitsky. As we welcome and applaud these ladies for stepping up we also want to thank our…