Tag: library

Library program news

  Patty Dennehy Join us on Saturday, June 23, at 1:00 p.m. for Music & More from the Land Down Under! Travel on a musical journey to Australia and beyond as the performer plays an assortment of didgeridoos and percussion instruments mixed with colorful stories and humor. The performers play a modern style, mixing fast-paced…

Footnotes from the Library

Lois Anderson The month of February is the shortest month of the year but it celebrates two important holidays: Valentine’s Day and President’s Day. The latter was once two separate holidays honoring the birthday of Lincoln (February 12) and the birthday of Washington (February 22). Of course, with all of those holidays, and February being…

Footnotes from the Library

Lois Anderson Our SunBird Library offers a wealth of amazing materials. Just visit the last row of shelves (the ones at the east end) to realize what I mean. This is where we keep the reference materials, the how to fix, clean, build, repair or grow just about anything. We have dictionaries and more. Some…

Footnotes from the library

Marilyn Klooster Do you remember the September Song refrain about the days “dwindling down?” Perhaps Autumn Leaves turning red and gold is one of your favorites. The phrase “Dog Days of August” seems to be with us into this month. The blue skies with 100 plus degree temperatures continue and I seek the shade, stay cool in…