Mary Pilon ‘Tis the end of the season for our Irish Club, and we went out with a bang! March was quite an active month for us. First, we had a basket-filling party at Margaret O’Brien’s, during which members filled some beautiful baskets with assorted adult beverages and other miscellaneous articles for door prizes at…
Tag: Irish Club
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
SunBird Irish Club
Mary Pilon, Publicity February was a short month, and our meeting was also short. I am proud to announce that we have broken all past records for members with a whopping 134 members signed up for this season. The Horizon Room was nearly completely full of Irishmen, enjoying the fun and friendship of our club.…
Clubs and Classes, February 2017
SunBird Irish Club update
Mary Pilon ‘Tis 2017 already! Time flies when you are in our Irish Club. We welcomed the new year with a rousing meeting on January 5, setting a record for attendance and also for the number of active members. There were 96 (count ‘em!) members present for the meeting, which was held in the Horizon…
Clubs & Classes, January 2017
SunBird Irish Club news
Mary Pilon Faith and Begorrah! The Irish Club has really grown this season. We now are proud to announce that there are 100 members. This is an all-time record. I had a list of the newest members, but I was so excited, that I have misplaced it. Sorry! Anyway, a warm welcome to all of…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
SunBird Irish Club
Mary Pilon The November meeting of SunBird’s Irish Club held on November 3 was highlighted by welcoming 13 new members. We are happy to welcome Linda Christopherson, Denise and Dirk Close, Dave and Jennifer Walden, Joannie and Larry Freund, Jack and Sandy Barber, Jack and Pauline Donnan and Allan and Laurie Hodge. Altogether, there were…
Clubs & Classes, October 2016
Irish Club news
Faith and Begorrah! ‘Tis nearly time to begin a new season of Irish shenanigans! Due to the changes in the Horizon Room schedule, the Irish Club will now be meeting on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays. Our first meeting of the season will be held on Thursday, October 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room.…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
SunBird Irish Club happenings
Mary Pilon, Secretary Lots of excitement during the month of March for us Irishmen. Our monthly meeting was held on March 1 in the Horizon Room. Maurice Stein reported on the shuffleboard outing that was attended by 21 members and the winners were Darlene Google who won an Irish sweatshirt and Don Calvert who won…
Community News, March 2016
In Sympathy
The members of the SunBird Irish Club wish to extend sincere, heartfelt sympathy to Marti Stanton in the loss of her husband, Harry, on February 3. Harry and Marti had been active members in the Irish Club for many years and he will be sadly missed. Sincerely, SunBird Irish Club
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Irish Club news
Mary Pilon, Secretary The Irish Club held its November meeting on November 3 in the Horizon Room at 6:00 p.m. After the usual greeting, reading of the October meeting minutes and the Treasurer’s report, we heard from the various committee chairmen. Our Christmas party will be held on December 17 in the Ballroom. Shirley Goodman…
Clubs & Classes, January 2015
American – Irish Club news – January 2015
The Irish Club’s December meeting was held on Tuesday, December 2. There were 51 members present at the meeting and in total we have over 80 members this year. Plans for the annual Christmas party were discussed and tickets for the party were purchased. The party was held on December 18 with cocktails at 5:00…