Tag: Irish Club

American Irish Club News

Sue Prudencio Please save the following dates: Saturday, March 15, 4 p.m. Happy Hour, 5 p.m. Dinner: Irish Club St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, Dance, and Basket Raffle. Please note, we have a new chef. There were some issues with last year’s corned beef. We will not have these issues this year. Horizon Room’s Chef Tom…

Irish Club News

Phyllis Zaccone Top of the morning to you all and welcome back to our precious snowbirds. We have a busy and fun-filled schedule planned for this upcoming winter, starting off with the Christmas Golf Cart Parade on Dec. 21, and future parties are Irish Club Casino Night in January, along with going to a baseball…

Irish Club News

Mary Pilon, Publicity We’re b-a-a-ack! The Irish Club reconvenes soon! Mark your calendars. The complete schedule for our 2023-24 season has been emailed to members, so be sure to clip and save the information. As of this writing, I am unclear about the annual dues and any other miscellaneous things previously discussed, but all information will…

Irish Club Update

Mary Pilon, Publicity Can you believe it!? Here’s to the end of another season of Irish gatherings full of laughter, fun, activities, and a special group of friends celebrating their Irish heritage together. A huge “thank you” to our officers: President Val Bongiorno, Vice President Ray Simone, Treasurer Mary Alibrandi, and Secretary Stevie Simone. A…

Irish Club is Thankful

Mary Pilon The Irish Club overwhelmed me with this enormous response by me for white socks for the homeless, as a Christmas donation. Thanks to the generosity of our members, I was able to take these socks to be delivered to the homeless shelters. I am so grateful for these donations! Bless you all, and…

Addendum to the Irish Club news

  Mary Pilon Attention Members: Your sterling journalist made an error in September’s issue of SunBird News. Our October meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m., not 6:00 p.m. At this writing, it’s unclear whether or not it will be held in the ballroom. If so, we are not able to BYOB, as you all…

SunBird Irish Club prepares for busy December

Mary Pilon, Publicity Chairman The November meeting of the Irish Club was held on November 2 at 5:00 p.m. on the patio. December activities were discussed at length. Our December meeting will be held on December 7, at which time all members were asked to bring unwrapped toys for the students at Hartford School, along…