Tag: golf

SunBird Lady 18ers holiday event

Jean Pritchard The SunBird Lady 18ers started their 2014/2015 year on Tuesday, November 4 with a shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. with the game Two Best Net Foursome. Our lunch followed in the Horizon Room and then the business meeting was held on the patio. Officers for the year are President Joyce Gerber, Vice President…

SunBird Men’s Golf Association news

Norm Ott The start of the 2014/2015 SunBird Men’s Golf Association season is upon us. The first business meeting of the season will be held on Tuesday, November 4 at 9:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse Ballroom. All current members who are at SunBird are encouraged to attend to hear and participate in discussions about the…

2nd annual Northwest mid summer golf outing

On Wednesday, August 27 a group from the Portland, Oregon/southwest Washington area got together for a day and a half of fellowship and golf at the Lewis River Golf Course in Woodland, Washington. All in all there were about 32 persons in attendance. Couples from the greater Portland/Vancouver area were joined by couples as far…