Tag: events

Coming Back Soon

Harry Huckemeyer For many, Labor Day is known as the official end of summer, but for us in the Sun Lakes area, it is a time when those hot summer days start to become a thing of the past. The area is quick to get a new life, as schools are back in session and…

Cheers Singles Group

Cheers is a social club open to members from Sun Lakes, Springfield, SunBird, and Solera communities. Our current 189 members invite you to become a part of the Cheers family, whether you are a year-round or a seasonal resident. The club offers many activities and programs, including social time, wine tasting, dining out, book club,…

The Dance Season Begins on September 22

John Yu It’s time for another new season of dinner, dance, and music. You are all invited to the Sun Lakes Sunday Dance Club on Sunday, Sept. 22, at Cottonwood’s San Tan Ballroom for the start of our 36th season. We will begin with one of the Valleys most popular duets, Palmer and Rossana. No…

Demystifying Dementia

Since Sun Lakes became a Dementia Friendly Community, hundreds of Sun Lakes residents have taken the Dementia Friend Info class. Join us in September to better understand dementia and learn how to best help friends, neighbors, and associates living with it or those caregiving for a spouse or loved one. There are still many neighbors…

The ImproVables Return September 28

As everyone knows, laughter is beneficial to a person’s health. So, if you want to feel good, come to Laughter Is the Best Medicine, The ImproVables’ newest show! Sun Lakes Community Theatre’s famous improv comedy troupe, The ImproVables, is returning to Sun Lakes Country Club on Saturday, Sept. 28, with a brand-new, hilarious, and extremely…

Holiday Musical

The SunBird Singers and Ringers will soon begin preparing for this winter’s holiday season musical. This year’s musical will be on Dec. 11 and 12 under the direction of Mike Hanson, Kim Hanson, and Pat Miller, all of SunBird. The directors began preparing for this year’s numbers immediately following the spring concert. Kim Hanson added…

Social Events

Bean Bag Baseball Wednesday, Sept. 4 and 18, Ballroom, 4 p.m. Bean Bag Baseball continues through October! Join us at 4 p.m. in the ballroom for our summer series and for a fun night of baseball. Bean Bag Baseball will be held on the first and third Wednesday of the month through October. If you…

SunBird Post Office

It has been another very hot summer here in Arizona! For those of us who have been here all summer, we are so looking forward to cooler weather very soon. Hopefully, it will not still be in the triple digits come September. In July First Class stamps increased to 73 cents, and the second ounce…