Tag: events

Women’s Connection Team Plans Upcoming Season

Sun Lakes Women’s Connection is planning their programs for the new season, starting Nov. 14 in the Oakwood clubhouse ballroom. Monthly events include inspirational speakers (local and from out of state), special features of interest to women, and fabulous musicians. Program and reservation information will be in the November issues of the Sun Lakes Splash…

American Italian Club News

The American Italian Club will hold their first meeting on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 6 p.m. in the Lakeview Room. The meetings are open to anyone interested in Italian heritage. Our president, Lisa Romero, will outline her plans for the 2024-25 season. Please mark your calendars for Oct. 10! See you all then. Ciao

FUN da MENTAL Bridge Classes for Everyone!

Maria Davis FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a variety of bridge classes starting in October. Learn with Better Bridge instructors Karin Hansen, Maria Davis, and Rose Gangel. Back by popular demand! Have fun. Exercise your brain. Hundreds of your neighbors have taken enjoyable, stimulating FUN da MENTAL Bridge lessons over the past several years.…

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal We will have our first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m. in the Lakeview Room. We will begin collecting dues of $10 per person (cash, please). Also bring your email address, as we plan to create an email list to remind members of meetings and special news. Our first meeting will…

Desert Valley Veterans

Rich Volpe, Commander As we enter the closing months of the 2024 season, it has been deemed beneficial that two of our local organizations be merged into one to help enhance the effectiveness of both groups. The two groups that will be consolidated, Desert Navy and Korean War Veterans, will be merged into one and…

SunBird Lions Club – September 2024

SunBird Lions Remember 9/11 You and your friends and neighbors are invited to join the SunBird Lions on Sept. 11 for a time of Remembrance and Service. We will gather in the SunBird ballroom at 8:30 a.m. and begin our time together with song and a prayer for our nation. Our keynote speaker will be…

Changing Up Your Hiking Game

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club Sometimes change is good, especially when it’s 115 degrees outside. Recently, a few Sun Lakes Hiking Club members traveled to the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson to cool off in an Aspen forest at 8,000 feet to enjoy the smell of wild mint and the sight of wild…

Want to Recycle Electronics?

Come to the recycling event, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sun Lakes in partnership with AZ StRUT, on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 8 a.m. to noon. Sorry, no early drop-offs. Drop off computers, laptops and accessories, iPads, cell phones, flat-panel TVs and monitors, printers, cables, power supplies, DVD players, VCR players, and calculators in…