Clint Richardson and his son and trusty assistant Jonathan
Clint Richardson
The only thing we want in our house is us, our family, and other people we love. All of us start looking for a solution if we get scorpions, snakes, roaches, crickets, and other general pests living in our homes with us. Solutions to this problem involve monthly pest control using pesticides, do it yourself remedies, and home-seals to keep scorpions and other creepy critters out of your home.
My name is Clint Richardson, and I am the owner of No More Critters. I wanted to talk to you about why we seal homes exclusively as a scorpion protection method.
We at No More Critters perform the third solution, home-seals, in an expert way that keeps all your unwanted pests out. You may not have heard that term before or know what that process is. Home-seals block entry into your home and keep scorpions from getting in to harm you. The way we seal a home varies depending on what type of home you have. For example, a stucco home has a metal flashing attached at the bottom of the stucco that is supposed to attach to the foundation of your house. We travel around the entire foundation and seal that metal flashing to the foundation with a clear sealing compound we use. Doing this eliminates the most common highway scorpions and other bugs that use to enter your living space.
Scorpions are here in Arizona, and at times, it can be an overwhelming thought. Seemingly, they can be unaffected by insecticides because of their crustacean-like makeup. When they sting, it hurts and can have lasting effects on our bodies. If they are not residing in your home out in the open where you can see them, they often are hiding in your wall voids enjoying moisture, other food, and humidity, only to come out later to present you with a very unwanted surprise.
Your property can be under siege as well. During the winter months and during the day in the summer, scorpions hide in the pillars of the block walls on your property. In the summer months, they come out and look for food and water that can lead to more of them getting into your peaceful living space. Rocks, debris, palm trees, and fallen palm fronds are all high scorpion population venues that keep your home in the constant crosshairs of danger and peril from them.
Contact me, Clint Richardson, at 602-899-5979 or [email protected]. Visit www.nomorecritters.com for more information.