Crown Royals Win BBB World Series

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Donation to Justa Center

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Cheers Social Group Activities

SunBird Yarn Club begins season of giving

Dianne Reed The SunBird Yarn Club meets each Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Hopi Room. If you are learning and your first attempt to crochet a dishcloth turned into a triangle, or if you are experienced and can teach us intarsia and mosaic knitting, we want you. We share advice and patterns, exchange…

Phenomenal array of speakers at Rotary this month

Jay Tibshraeny

Norm Noble On Tuesday, November 7, Dr. John DenBoer, a clinical neuropsychologist specializing in the assessment and detection of early-stage dementia, will discuss Smart Brain Aging. He has published articles extensively in Clinical Neuropsychology and has been an expert speaker at many local, national and international conferences. He is the Founder and President of Mental…

Computer Booters: brimful of “busy”

Computer Booters

Kc Coller, Publicity Director I wonder if this season’s October 4 general meeting’s attendance was due to increased winter population — or was it because of the guest speakers Keith Wheeler and Richard Clennon? Both gentlemen are professionals who are owner/operators of their own firms at this end of the Valley; Keith Wheeler owns Tribune…

Chosen, charged and challenged

Kare Bear members

Rosie VanderVeen The first Kare Bears meeting of the season took place on October 18 after press time. We will discuss in December article. Our new board members are Julia Roberts and Barb Dunbar. Emily Hughes will replace Larie Thiebeault as treasurer. Barb will continue to serve as secretary. Dates for Kare Bear Faires will…