Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Art Club November news

Sharon Eade As most of the returning snowbirds are settling in, it is always with such enthusiasm that we reunite and begin another season of learning, sharing and enjoying our Thursday Art Club sessions. Our display case in the lobby next to the Ballroom will be filling with members’ art and it changes every two…

SunBird website

SunBird’s website has the latest news and information of what’s going on in SunBird. SunBird’s activities, meetings, calendars, clubs, groups and organizations have contact information that can be accessed at Come visit us.

A special invitation to all residents

Local fine art photographer Deborah Silvis will be the guest at the Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class on Wednesday, November 13.

Evelyn Shea This is an invitation to all residents of Sun Lakes and SunBird including all art classes, art clubs and the public. The Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class has scheduled a very special guest, local fine art photographer, Deborah Silvis, on Wednesday, November 12 at 10:30 a.m. in the Cottonwood Ceramic Room 8, which is…

IronOaks USTA event results

USTA Sectional winners: (standing) Judy Gahide, Judy Lamers, Vicki Eslick, John Radcliffe, Pat Davidson, Karen Kutchyera and Barb McEwen; (kneeling front left to right): Lois Newman and Lynn Cox; (missing) Susan Stewart and Lyn Belisle.

Denise Lott Sectional Tournament: Three IronOaks teams competed in the USTA Southwest Section Championships in Albuquerque. Our women’s 7.0 team took first place and is advancing to the USTA National competition in Surprise on November 7–9. Our men’s 8.0 team took second place in a wrenching battle that kept them out of first by a…