Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

A man who would not die in battle

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes For over 150 years, a fascinating story appeared in virtually every student textbook in America but, sadly, it hasn’t been seen for decades. It is the story of George Washington when he was 23 years of age and involved in the French and Indian…

Card Scores

500 Cards Darlene Thompson We meet in the Lakeview Room on the second floor by the Pro Shop on Thursday evenings and start to play at 6:30 p.m. Please come early. Remember we will be starting at 6:30 p.m. Buy-in is $.50. 5/07. 1st Ken Reidenbach 2478, 2nd Arlie Mulder 2390, 3rd Yvonne Petersen 1810…

Agave plant

Close-up of the agave death stalk.

Barb Valentine I know it’s common to see all the “death stalks” on the agave, but this plant is monstrous! It’s located on the corner of Sawgrass and Doral in the SunBird Golf Resort.

April and May golf financial reports

The financial results for the four months ending April 30 shows total income more than budget by $30,400; $356,100 versus $325,700. Green fees are slightly below budget for the period, while punch cards and tournaments exceeded budget. Expenses are unfavorable by $12,200; $255,900 against the budget of $243,700 principally in the areas of general expense…

VFW Bingo is year-round in  Sun Lakes

Get out of the heat, have fun and support veteran needs! Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8053 Bingo remains the center for community support to our veterans and their families. Playing in VFW’s weekly game raises funds for the Post’s veteran support programs. The game also enables the sharing of unique local projects and…

Patrol Report

Thomas Catri It has been a very interesting first month on the job. During that time, I have been able to meet more of our residents, talk to the Board of Directors and our Rules Compliance Committee to answer some of their questions and to find out what is a matter of interest or importance…