Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

SunBird Community Church

Bob Neuman “Yes, though I walk through the deep valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 David said he walked through the valley of death which is what we must do in all circumstances of life.…

Shop Till You Drop craft

The Arizona Ataxia Support Group, a non-profit associated with the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF), would like to invite you to our fundraising and awareness event on Saturday, October 3 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Disability Empowerment Center in Phoenix at 5025 E. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85304. Through our event, “Shop Till You Drop…

Grief Recovery Support Group

George Walker, Pastor of Special Ministries Beginning Friday, September 18, we will begin the next 13-week series of Grief/Share. Grief/Share is a grief recovery support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through…

The sixth SunBird Open

Hole No. 8 tee box

That’s right – the sixth annual SunBird Open Golf Tournament is planned for Wednesday, December 2. Golfers, mark your calendars. Check-in will be at 8:00 a.m. in the Ballroom with coffee and donuts and lunch will follow the golf outing. The committee (men) members Gary Metzger, Jim Dolwick, Jack Cooper and George Richardson, are collecting…

Card Scores

500 Cards Darlene Thompson We meet in the Lakeview Room, second floor by the Pro-Shop, on Thursday evenings and start to play at 6:30 p.m. Please come early. Remember, we will be starting at 6:30 p.m. Buy-in is $.50. 7/02. 1st Janette Schott 2720, 2nd Ken Reidenbach 2680, 3rd Darlene Thompson 2246 7/09. 1st Darlene…