- The gals were ready for the competition to begin, Red vs. Green! (Photo by Lisa Onyx)
- Everyone was all smiles after the game and celebration! (Photo by Lisa Onyx)
Margaret Munsch, Publicity
The SunBird Lady 18ers sure know how to have fun! They started the month of December with a Red vs. Green Team Christmas game. Secret Santas left treats on each hole for the naughty and nice!
The match was close, with the Red Team winning in the end. KPs were awarded to Kim Mishko on hole 11, Barb Wallace on hole 13, Cindy Vig on hole 14, and Alice Whistler on hole 17. Congratulations to all the players!
Following the game was the monthly general meeting and a holiday celebration, with charcuterie boards served by the Horizon Room. The ladies also had a 50/50 draw to raise funds for holiday poinsettias for the SunBird HOA office and Christmas gifts for the maintenance crew. Congratulations to the winners: Karen Gilmore, Kim Mishko, and Toni Leonard.
Looking ahead, there are a number of exciting events scheduled:
Feb. 11 and 18: SunBird Cup, which is a two-week net tournament;
March 11 and 18: Women’s Club Championship, which is a two-week gross tournament; and
March 28: Golf with the Men’s League followed by a BBQ and Awards Banquet for both Leagues.
New members are always welcome, so if you enjoy the game of golf, join our Ladies League!