Kare Bears 2021-22 Board:
Lena Craft, Margaret Speer, Deanna Calvert, Sandy Barber, Barb Dunbar, Kitty Determan
Shirley Jackson
A wonderful influx of members (old and new) appeared at the first Kare Bear meeting for 2021-22. President Speer reviewed officers and committee chairs serving this year. Printed material of future meetings and speakers was provided to those attending.
We completed our first Kare Bear Fair (Nov. 6) which was very successful, thanks to the continued support of the SunBird community. Attendance to SunBird Community Day by our officers was noted, and a basket was donated by Kare Bears for the HOA raffle.
We have a busy December with a Christmas luncheon for Kare Bears members in the ballroom on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 11:30 a.m. Each member is asked to bring a wrapped white elephant gift ($5 value).
The next Kare Bear Fair begins Saturday, Dec. 4, at 8 a.m. to noon with our fabulous vendors once again providing a variety of items for purchase. Please come do your Christmas shopping. Of course, the Kare Bear white elephant table will be brimming over with terrific bargains! No price tags on any white elephant item. We rely on your generous donations. For your assistance, our Kare Bear volunteers wear black aprons and an ID lanyard.
On Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 1 p.m. in the ballroom, a general meeting of all members is scheduled. Discussion will include preparation for the Fashion Show. This fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the ballroom. We hosted a Fashion Show in January of 2019 where participants from other clubs joined in parading fashions. The show was so successful, we are bringing it to the public again.
Our second fundraiser is the Randy Linder Creedence Concert, which is being held at SunBird Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022. We hope to schedule both a matinee and evening concert. Our previous Randy Linder concert in 2019 was very well received.
Fundraiser events require numerous and vibrant volunteers! And we have these working volunteers in Kare Bears. All money earned has been disbursed to our own HOA, SunBird golf course, and charities nominated and chosen by Kare Bear members every March. No one person can do everything, but together, every one of us can do something!