Kc Coller, Publicity Director
January’s schedule indicated how committed the club is in offering members knowledge. This club promised information to any interested in any of the various programs offered to them simply by signing up and attending. These benefits to learn come in the form of workshops (free to members), informative guest speakers and shared insights from other members.
Awareness and knowledge also come in the form of speakers who grace our facility each month to enlighten those present with information needed to safeguard our computing usage against outside dangers.
The January 3 meeting was no exception. Member and Technology Director, Allan Levy, went over some of the missed truths, myths and disasters in the computer world—in other words, its dangers. This is a topic that always needs updated, as the methods against computer dangers are consistently changing and change quickly.
Bob Gostischa, our guest speaker, brought us up to date on some of these dangers. After a successful banking career, he enjoys retirement as an enthusiast IT security expert. His topic was “Tips for Staying Safe Online and Preventing Identity Theft” giving us material to better equip ourselves against computer crimes. These insurances allow most of us to better enjoy the benefits of our computers. Bob sure did that! Bob reminded us that “we are the enemy in our internet use.” He is also a believer in the very popular antivirus software Avast. Clearly, Bob Gostischa is a welcome speaker at our club. Bob G., we look forward to listening to you again.
Listening to these speakers is valuable to the computer health of club members. Attending the monthly general meeting is the easiest way to introduce ourselves to many safety actions.
February Workshops (held 6:30 p.m. in Arts and Crafts Room, Sun Lakes Country Club):
February 8, 15 and 22—Power Point with Teri Bitler
February 13, 20 and 27—Photoshop Elements with Janet Quade
February 22 at 8:30 a.m.—Fundamentals of Outlook with Microsoft Team at the Microsoft Store in the Chandler Fashion Mall
Those interested should quickly sign up to guarantee a spot. Just email Bill Phillips, Workshop Director, at [email protected] or sign up at the February meeting. There is NO CHARGE for members. Non-members pay $10 per session. Membership is $36 per year single and $48 per year for couples. Members are eligible to attend as many workshops as they like at no cost.
The monthly general meeting is always the first Tuesday of months September through May in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 Sun Lakes Blvd. in Sun Lakes.
Meetings are 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. There is cookies and coffee/meet and greet at 6:00 p.m. while the meeting is being set up, so mark your calendars and Come!
The February 7 meeting is going to have another innovative speaker presenting computer information. Come listen and learn from what is said. Remember, guests are always welcome and don’t need to be a resident of the Sun Lakes Community.
More information can be obtained by visiting the club’s web site at www.computerbooters.org.