Chili Cook-Off!

Jack Cooper

The SunBird Chili Cook-Off is set for Wednesday, Jan. 22, beginning at 5 p.m. in the ballroom. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $12 for those not participating in the Founders Tournament.

The Founders Tournament draw for teams will be held at 7 p.m. following the Chili Cook-Off festivities, which are in their third year. Gary Hall, Chili Captain, is looking for more chili chefs to participate this year. Chefs will receive a $60 stipend for their efforts. If you are interested, please contact Gary at 303-378-5576.

On Friday, Jan. 24, the SunBird Golf Auction will be held on the patio beginning at 1 p.m. There will be many silent auction items; delicious, fresh-baked goods; two golf carts; as well as other donated items.

This is a huge fundraiser for the golf course, and if you have items to donate, please contact Mike and Shirley Goldade at 403-318-0111. Items may be dropped off at their home after Jan. 4.

The Founders Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, Jan. 25, with a shotgun start beginning at 9 a.m. Registration sheets will be located on the ledge in the Pro Shop hallway. This tournament is open to anyone who wishes to play. The entry fee has yet to be determined as of this writing.

Make plans to participate in the tournament and enjoy some delicious chili, as well as a fun afternoon at the SunBird Golf Auction on Friday, Jan. 24.