Judee Curtis Being in our own little bubble since March 14, i.e., going for essentials, no company, no traveling and very few take outs, has kept us isolated but well. Some dancers have their own bubbles similar to ours. Others have “bubbles” with more activity and socialization. I’ve made a very sad and hard decision…
Category: December 2020
Card Games & Sports, December 2020
Tennis Club Update
Jen Walden It feels great to be back on our beautiful sport courts playing with our SunBird tennis buddies! Our season is now in full swing but, unfortunately, we are down quite a few members. Our Canadian friends cannot join us at this time but, hopefully, we will be seeing some of them return to…
Association News, December 2020
Manager’s Report
Layne Varney, General Manager It has been an interesting and challenging year with the effects of COVID-19 and how to operate and maintain a thriving SunBird Community. This has been a learning experience for everyone and a reality check on how life can change so quickly. As the weather is finally terrific and reaching ideal…
Card Games & Sports, December 2020
News from the Golf Club Board of Directors
Cart Path Fee: Due to the present condition of our cart paths and bridges, all golf carts using the cart paths will be assessed an annual charge of $50 effective Jan. 1, 2021. Upon payment of the Cart Path Fee, you will be given a sticker with instructions for placement on your golf cart. The…
Clubs & Classes, December 2020
Have You Seen Me?
Association News, December 2020
Returning Residents/Seasonal Renters
Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator Residents and seasonal renters are beginning to check back in at the HOA office. It sure has been a difficult year for everyone, but we are happy to see you all returning safe and healthy. I would like to remind everyone that when you return, to email us of your return…
Clubs & Classes, December 2020
Relishing Pickleball: Dink Responsibly
David Zapatka Often called the most important shot in all of pickleball, the dink is the critical shot aspiring players must learn to improve their game. The dink is a shot hit slowly and softly into the opponents’ non-volley zone as close to the net as possible. If the opponent hits this ball hard, it…
Front Page, December 2020
Costume Fun With the Pickleball Club

Suzanne Lipke The SunBird Pickleball Club has transitioned to winter hours as of Nov. 1, and we’re enjoying the cooler weather—finally! Look in the pickleball glass case near the post office and sports courts for a flyer with the current hours—and come out and play with us! We’re always happy to share this great game…
Clubs & Classes, December 2020
American-Irish Club News
Mary Pilon, Publicity ‘Tis the season—at last! This has been quite a challenging year and, hopefully, 2021 will restore some normalcy for everyone. To celebrate the season and share our blessings with the less fortunate, the Irish Club has planned the following events: 1. Our annual toy drive will take place on Dec. 15. Unwrapped…
Card Games & Sports, December 2020
Golf Club Offers a Free Course Tour
Duane Dub, Vice President, SBGC Have you ever wondered how many gallons of water are used each day to irrigate all the grass on the SunBird golf course? Or where the water comes from to fill the ponds? Or how many palm trees are on the golf course? Here is your chance to get answers…