Category: September 2023

Saguaro Cacti Dying

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator When you are driving around SunBird, you have probably noticed that we have lost a number of saguaro cacti. The common area has lost three saguaros, and an additional five have lost their limbs. Nine homeowners’ properties have lost limbs and full cacti, just in the first nine days of August.…

Video Conferencing Tools

Helen Seaton, Publicity Director The Computer Booters general meeting will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 13. The meeting and general announcements will be from 1 to 1:30 p.m., followed by a presentation on Video Conferencing, Online Meetings, and Conference Calling. When it comes to creating or attending an online meeting with friends or family, is…

Golf President Report

Dave White This month we will talk about our Turf Crew. In July we had the hottest weather ever recorded in the Chandler area. Our guys show up for work at 5 a.m. every day. This work might be mowing, bunker work, weed work, spraying for weeds, working on equipment, fixing irrigation problems, trimming trees,…

Mat Makers Are in Need of Help

Mary Shelor Thank you again for all the plastic bags that everyone continues to save and drop off for the Mat Makers to make water bottle holders, bags, and sleeping bags for the homeless of Phoenix. However, we have more bags than we have room to store, so we are asking you to hang onto…

Post Office Update

Jan Griffin, Manager If you plan to go on vacation, please come to the SunBird Post Office to complete the proper form. Your mail will be held here until your return. If you are gone longer than a month, there will be a fee of $1 per week for holding services. If you would like…

Welcome on Board

Richard Volpe As we move away from the warmer summer months, the Desert Navy is looking forward to the new year with excitement and added adventure. There are some changes that will hopefully help us grow and continue to meet our goals in providing support for those out there who are hurting and need support.…

Cheers Singles Group Activities

Cheers Trip Opportunities: Several of our members escaped the heat and enjoyed themselves at the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, Calif. The combined art shows and evening presentations in which the actors recreate famous pieces of art is always interesting. Later this year, the very popular Albuquerque Balloon Festival on Oct. 12 to Oct. 15,…