Bill Hook The Eckstines and Hooks enjoying an afternoon in cool Pinetop.
Janet Cook How does one prepare for the start of a remodeling project? Take advantage of the anticipation of the beautiful transformation by taking the time to declutter and pack items on display. Even with heavy-duty plastic barriers to close off the construction zones, dust will still be afloat and drift throughout the house, especially…
Wendy Weber, Lifestyle Director We are still anxiously waiting for the time to come when we can start introducing activities and events back to SunBird! SunBird has been closely following the recommendations from the CDC and state and local authorities in regard to large gatherings. Per Governor Ducey’s Executive Order, we are still not permitted…
Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator ACC Permits ACC Permit Application forms can be found at the post office or on the SunBird HOA website at SunBirdhoa.com. Click on the tab Documents and you can find it under forms. Please fill it out and attach $5 exact cash or check to the permit and put it in…
Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes Do you recall the widespread anarchy and mayhem of the late 1960s, especially 1968? It was an election year, the country was rife with violence and racial and political turmoil, and many marches and demonstrations were taking place to protest the unpopular Vietnam War. Furthermore,…