Get Your Kicks on Route 66 September 27–October 1; price is $750 pp/double, $995 pp/single Take a tour back in time on the Arizona Historic Route 66. Known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, Route 66 spaced our country as we know it today. Beginning in Holbrook, travel west to the…
Category: Community News
Community News, September 2015
Ask Your Agents
Dear Cheri, Tammy, and Bety: I was at the airport the other day and noticed the TSA agent putting loose change left by passengers in a container at their security desk. What happens to that money? Signed, Tom Carings, Sun Lakes, AZ Dear Tom, I found this fun article to share with you and our…
Community News, September 2015
Footnotes from the library
Nancy Smith People frequently ask us how many books we have in our Library; 15 years ago it was about 5,000; today it is about 12,000. That is a lot of authors. The newspaper and magazine reviews give us updates on current best sellers, but many readers would like to know a little more about…
Community News, September 2015
SunBird residents gather in Canada
Community News, September 2015
The Performing Arts league
Mary Scala Boy, oh boy, it is still so hot. I told you I would be back, didn’t I? Well fellow members, here we are again. Another hot summer. It won’t be long now, it has to cool off soon. The Board of Directors want you to know that we are all working hard to…
Community News, September 2015
SunBird Personalities: Jodie and BettiSue Perkins
Community News, September 2015
SunBird Singers Christmas concert rehearsal
While it seems a little early to talk about Christmas and the SunBird Singers annual concert, the Singers’ directors, Owen and Joyce Bae, want to give all of the singers and newcomers a heads up on the start of rehearsals for this concert, which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, December 9 and 10.…
Community News, September 2015
Yesterday Once More performing at the Richard Nader’s Doo Wop and Rock and Roll Show

Barry Miller Yesterday Once More will be performing at The Richard Nader’s Doo Wop and Rock and Roll Show on Friday, February 12, 2016 at the Mesa Arts Center. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and tickets are now on sale for $34/$50. This all-star line-up of Rock ‘n’ Roll legends includes Gene Chander who…
Community News, September 2015
SunBirders travel to China
Community News, September 2015
News from your Neighbors Who Care, Inc. – “Back to School” with Neighbors Who Care

Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s that time of year again, back to school. This doesn’t usually create much excitement in Sun Lakes and surrounding communities like SunBird, Springfield and Solera. We’re mostly older, without many school-aged kids. This year we want back to school to mean something good for the rest of us. Starting in…