Category: Community News
Community News, August 2018
Donate to the Chandler Food Bank
My name is Julie, I am a SunBird resident and I volunteer at a Chandler food bank. Some of our year-round residents may be leaving soon for cooler temps, so if you have extra food (unopened, please) that you can’t use, I would be glad to take it to the food bank. The food…
Community News, August 2018
Useful gate information
Here are some tips for using your gate remote: 1) If the remote does not work, first try replacing the battery (A23 size). Batteries are available at most grocery stores, discount stores and drugstores; 2) If the remote still fails to work after replacing the battery, please bring the remote to the SunBird Administrative…
Community News, August 2018
Footnotes from the library
Nancy Smith On a recent vacation trip, we were walking on a footpath and came upon a group of kids. They were laughing and talking and just having a grand time. “Hi,” I said. “Is this an excursion?” (sounding like a librarian) “No,” the eldest girl said, “We’re exploring!” “Well, now,” I thought, “what…
Community News, August 2018
SunBird Community Church news
Bob Neuman “I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.” Philippians 4:11 “Stability is security. To Grow in God is to come to the place where you can be content no matter what your situation or circumstances may be…
Community News, August 2018
The Beauty of SunBird
Community News, August 2018
This, That and Other stuff
Whoever said work was fun? Bob Neuman Whoever said work was fun? When we were growing up, the thought of having our own money by doing part-time jobs was appealing. My experiences proved it was not always lucrative or much fun. I was quite young, and a neighbor wanted her fish pond cleaned out. I…
Community News, August 2018
Happy Anniversary

SunBird residents Vern and Marilyn French were married on June 13, 1948, in Danube, Minnesota. They have called Bryan, Ohio, their home after Vern accepted a job at Ohio Art Company in July of 1959. They currently live in Chandler, Arizona, seven months out of the year and at Lake Wawasee in the summer months.…
Community News, August 2018
NAIL streamlines payment process

Catherine Hammond Beginning in August, New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong-learning program, simplifies its payment process. Now one check will cover both renewal of annual dues for New Adventures and the fall administration fee for Chandler-Gilbert Community College. This is a significant change for the organization. According to Bobbie Reed, registration chair, “In years past,…
Community News, August 2018
SunBird Views – A blast from the past

Herb Clark, Associate Editor – SunBird Views, 1995 Most of the streets in the SunBird Resort Community are named after famous country clubs and golf courses throughout the United States. There are a few exceptions like Tournament Drive, Waterview Drive and Championship Lane. And now, in Unit 10, the newest part of our community you…