Category: Community News
Community News, June 2023
Word of the Month: Cenote
David Zapatka Reading in the Quest magazine recently, I came across the word cenote. Cenote—si-ˈnō-tē noun: a natural pit or deep sinkhole in limestone resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath with a pool at the bottom that is found especially in the Yucatán Peninsula. Origin and Etymology—Mexican Spanish, from Yucatec ts’onot…
Community News, June 2023
A Recreational Lake in the Middle of the Desert Near Me?

Jackie Cox Yes, 113 acres surround a 70-acre recreational park! Hiking, birds, fishing (stocked by wildlife managers), cacti, horseback and hiking trails, weddings, graduation photos, picnics, and a visitors center—a mirage or an oasis? Live, open-air concerts invite visitors on the third Thursdays from October through March on their tiered seating built into the hill…
Community News, June 2023
Happy Father’s Day
Community News, June 2023
Recycle Aluminum Cans

Arlene Block Now that it is getting warmer and we are drinking more soda/pop, please look for the blue receptacles with the SunBird Lions Club emblem. You will find them in various places around the clubhouse and by the post office. Please place aluminum cans only in the slot that says, “Cans Only.” Please do…
Community News, June 2023
Desert in Bloom!
Community News, June 2023
New Adventures in Learning: Living a Creative Life

SunBird author and artist Arthur Norby is scheduled to present six New Adventures in Learning discussions in June and July. He will share experiences from his 50-year career in the arts, beginning with The Joy of Writing. Additional presentations include A Shaggy Dog Tale: How to Give Life to Your Life, where he will discuss…
Community News, June 2023
Australian Giant Cactus on Hole 18
Community News, June 2023
Activities on the Lake
Community News, June 2023
Hypocrisy in Christianity
Rev. Derrick Elliott Hypocrisy in Christianity is a topic that often elicits strong reactions from Christians and non-Christians alike. To many outside the church, the hypocrisy of some Christians is seen as evidence of the failure of Christianity as a whole, while to those within the church, it can be a painful reminder of our…