Category: June 2022

Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Honors Several Members

Dr. Honora Norton, RCSL Public Chair The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) recently honored various Rotarians for their exceptional service to the club and community from July 1, 2021, to present day. RCSL Club President Jon Lyons presented the following awards: * Rotarian of the Year Award to Judi Edmonds—Judi leads the club’s Peace…

Art Club Classes Continue Through the Summer

Summer has arrived in SunBird, which brings a bit of a slowdown to activities. Our Art Club continues to meet on Thursday mornings, and though there are fewer of us, we still enjoy each other as we find new subjects and mediums to enjoy painting. As we finished out our season, Irene Coatta shared her…

Desert Threads Makes Tote Bags for Refugees

Sue Bart The Welcome Center of Phoenix receives refugees who have entered the United States legally through the asylum-seeking process. This Center is a stop-over for legal refugees to obtain much-needed supplies, food, change of clothing, personal items, and tote bags before they continue on to sponsors around the United States. Desert Threads is making…

Bridge Quips

Shirley Jackson Bertrand Russell wrote, “The life of man is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain, towards a goal that few can hope to reach, and where none may tarry long.” Russell wasn’t a bridge player, but he should have been. That quotation can easily be…

Unity: Give and Receive, Receive and Give

Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a community of souls who gather together to celebrate Peace, Joy, Love, and Healing. We follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ as well as other wise Spiritual Masters. We study and practice Unity Principles set down by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore and support each other in living our…

DAR Flag Ceremony

Deborah Goodacre On April 2, at 1 p.m., the Daughters of the American Revolution, Gila Butte Chapter, held our first-ever flag burning ceremony at the Chandler American Legion Hall, Post 43. As soon as I arrived, Commander Lang had one caveat to tell me: Maricopa County would not allow a burning, due to contamination of…