David Zapatka While cruising around Australia on the way to Thursday Island, I read this description about the port city. “The mixed population of Malays, Chinese, Japanese, and Melanesians are engaged mainly in pearling and trochus and sea cucumber fishing.” Trochus—tro·chus noun: 1.a. Capitalized. a genus of chiefly Old World tropical marine gastropods (family Trochidae)…
Category: Community News
April 2024, Community News
Welcome New Neighbor
Irene G. D’Emilio Hometown/State: Chandler, Ariz. Irene is divorced and has two children. She enjoys worldwide travel, golf, swimming, dance, concerts, plays, the performing arts, and languages (Italian, French, and Spanish).
April 2024, Community News
April Fools’ Day and Unity
Rev. Derrick Elliott, Pastor, Sun Lakes United Church of Christ April Fools’ Day, a day traditionally filled with harmless pranks and laughter, may seem at first glance to be far removed from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the profound themes of unity and compassion in humanity. However, a closer examination reveals that this day,…
April 2024, Community News
Sun Lakes Chorale Update
Yvonne Orlich We are winding down for the spring season. Next month’s issue of the Splash and SunBird News will have a story about our annual spring concert on March 14. We gathered at Sun Lakes Country Club on Feb. 19 for our annual dinner and Second Annual Talent Show. And, wow, we have a…
Community News, April 2024
Bare Foot and Balance

Kathleen Ismael, Reflexology Practitioner Most people know that the great toe is key to balance and stability in our step. The toes are the most important part in the mechanics of our feet, as they provide balance and support while walking and standing. They provide propulsion during the gait cycle. Our toes help us walk,…
April 2024, Community News
Selling Mistakes to Avoid
Catherine Schaeffer, DanSco Realty Real estate is cyclical, and the market we are currently in within SunBird is more of a balanced market, meaning sellers need to put the best product possible on the market and buyers have options. When your local real estate market is balanced, it’s important to approach the selling process with…
April 2024, Community News
Inspiration and a Fashion Show at Woman’s Connection

Kristy DeCleene Join us and invite your friends to a Women’s Connection special event on Thursday, April 11, at 10 a.m. in the Oakwood clubhouse ballroom, 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd., Sun Lakes. The program includes a continental breakfast with gluten-free available upon request, live music, a fashion show, and inspirational speaker. The cost is $20,…
April 2024, Community News
Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Lenten Donation to Maggie’s Place
Stewart Thompson As part of our Lenten Giving Project, Sun Lakes United Church of Christ delivered women’s toiletries, infant care needs, and birthday toys and books to Maggie’s Place. Maggie’s Place has served moms, babies, families, and the community for more than 23 years, from one home to seven, from hosting five moms the first…
April 2024, Community News
Dakotans Celebrate Fun Time Round-Up Party
Steve Perkins There were 148 North Dakotans and South Dakotans who celebrated a fun time Round-Up Party on March 7 at the Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom. There was plenty of time for everyone to meet and greet old friends and make new ones. The gathering started 46 years ago in the then-upstart Sun Lakes Country…
April 2024, Community News
Medicare, Medicaid, and Related Benefit Information
Personalized, objective assistance to seniors, the disabled, and caregivers is provided by volunteer counselors trained by the Arizona Agency on Aging Benefits Assistance Program. Services include basic information about Original Medicare (Parts “A” and “B”), Supplemental (Medigap) policies, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part “D”), Medicare Advantage Plans (HMOs, etc.), AHCCCS (Medicaid), and ALTCS (Arizona Long…