Friday Evening Texas Hold’em We meet at 7:00 p.m. every Friday in the Hopi Room. It is a tournament-style Texas Hold’em Poker game with a $5 buy-in. Payout for first 60%, second 30%, third 10% February Winners: 2/02. 1st Vie Kinser, 2nd Sal Leo, 3rd Rich 2/09. 1st, 2nd and 3rd was a 3-way…
Category: Card Games & Sports
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
Bridge Results
Monday Bridge Larry Schoenborn 2/05. 1st Dick Ballou, 2nd Barb C. Ott, 3rd Jeannette Schott 2/12. 1st Peggy White, 2nd Jim Beaupre, 3rd Ken Haslow 2/19. 1st Jeanette Schott, 2nd Beth Miller, 3rd Judy O’Neil 2/26. 1st Larry Schoenborn, 2nd Julie Napton, 3rd Melvin Huser Wednesday Morning Mixed Bridge Jeanne Lewis 2/07. 1st Katherine…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
Intermediate Bridge class planned in April
Maria Davis FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a class in 2/1 Game Force. Learn with Maria Davis, a certified ACBL Better Bridge Instructor and Game Director. Two-Over-One, Game Force is a popular and widespread enhancement to contemporary bridge bidding. While only a modification to Standard American bidding, it is a much more effective…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
Shuffle Board for fun

Marty Eckstein Participation is at an all-time high with a session playing at 8:00 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. on both Monday and Wednesday. Paul Klancher has an additional session on Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. Our annual tournament held on February 22 and 23 resulted in Bill Hackett and Dick Ballou taking first place, Betty…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
Annual Bridge Gala winners
Sue and Jim McCutcheon The 2018 gala was a great success. Eight of the 52 players attending captured the prize money with their outstanding scores. In first place was Judy O’Neal, second was Fay Lockwood, third was Carol Phillips, fourth was Larry Schoenborn, fifth was Michael McDonough, sixth was Adele Johnson, seventh was Barb…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
Pickleball continues to grow at SunBird

Marianna Buescher Another fantastic pickleball season is underway here at SunBird. Our club is growing every week, and we now have over 100 residents having a blast out on the courts. Lots of beginners are enjoying the new player orientation that happens every Tuesday or Thursday at 2:00 p.m. A social court has been…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
Tennis is great for fitness and your health
Charlotte Wiard If you go online, you will find wonderful information on how to stay fit. We thought if you are an energetic tennis buff or thinking of playing tennis, you would find this article informative. It came from real and explains some key exercise advantages from playing tennis. • Tennis improves aerobic…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
SBMGA update
Norm Ott The SunBird Men’s Golf Association held its second to last monthly meeting of the 2017-2018 season on Tuesday, March 6, 2018. The main item on the agenda was the election of officers for the 2018-2019 season. Those elected were Fred Nixon, vice president, Patrick Leach, treasurer, and Gary Popelka, secretary. Dan Carroll,…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
SunBird Golf Association Shoot Outs

There were two golf association shoot outs held since the last report. They were the Men’s Golf Association Net Shoot Out held on February 18 and the Couples Gross Shoot Out sponsored by both the Men’s and Ladies’ Associations held on March 4. Qualifying to play in these shoot outs is done during regular…
Card Games & Sports, April 2018
From The Pro Shop
Jerry Lingen It’s April, and we already see our snowbirds heading to their summer homes. This tells us who stays here to look forward to summer months and the summer heat. With the heat approaching, or it may have already arrived, we will be going to 7:00 a.m. shotgun and tee time starts on…