Shuffle Board for fun


Marty Eckstein

Participation is at an all-time high with a session playing at 8:00 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. on both Monday and Wednesday. Paul Klancher has an additional session on Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.

Our annual tournament held on February 22 and 23 resulted in Bill Hackett and Dick Ballou taking first place, Betty Gillham and Ross Bartlett taking second and Ken Sieth and Laura Clarke taking third. Thanks go out to tournament director Jerry Logosz and Bill Hackett for assisting. Also, a terrific lunch was organized and presented by Jean Logosz, Pat Simmons, Jacque Van Damme and Kathy Bartlett. Not to be overlooked is John Cox and Jim Maurina who did the cooking for over 40 attending the lunch.

Shuffleboard by Lights was held on Wednesday, March 14, and our final event of the season was the annual potluck held on Thursday, March 15.