Morning: 7:45-8:45 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon: 4:00-5:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. There will be no afternoon class on Thursday, March 9. Classes are held at the SunBird Golf Resort, Navajo Room, on the third floor. There is no cost, but donations are accepted. If you have questions, call Paullene Caraher…
Category: March 2017
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Line Dancing with Judee

Judee Curtis Sundays could be called “work” as I get dances and music ready for Mondays. On Mondays, it’s actually “rewarding” as the results of my “work” and the dancers’ “work” is evident. We have a wonderful time dancing the dances taught, plus the new ones. They love the music I play, and we all…
Community News, March 2017
Art at the Lakes

The 9th annual Bev Walter Art Show and Sale, which is a fundraiser for the Sun Lakes Firefighters’ Emergency Relief Fund (SLERF), will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., at the Cottonwood Lake in Sun Lakes (off Brentwood Drive). Please join us for one of the best art…
Community News, March 2017
In Passing
Sue Misner Sue Misner, one of SunBird’s original residents, passed away peacefully on Monday, January 23, in her home with her family by her side. She was 89 years young and still sharp as a tack and so kind until the very end. Sue is survived by her loving husband Jerry and two devoted daughters…
Community News, March 2017
5th annual “Howl at the Moon” night golf returns
Gary Hall All SunBird residents are invited. After a great response to last spring’s night golf tournament (over 120 participants), the return of “Howl at the Moon” golf will be held on Saturday evening, April 1, 2017. This will be a nine-hole scramble tournament for fun, laughter and the unique nighttime experience. Create your own…
Community News, March 2017
Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!

Two hundred Canadians celebrated the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867 by holding a pork loin BBQ on the patio on February 9. Janet Farrell and her merry band of singers; Elaine Longland, John and Jackie German and Grant Jones, led the Canucks through songs depicting our rich heritage…
Community News, March 2017
Karaoke and dancing
Mark your calendar for another fun evening of singing and dancing on Saturday, March 11, from 7:00 p.m.-? at Sun Lakes Country Club’s Pro Shop Lounge (Mulligan’s) located at 25425 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ. The lounge will be serving food. There is no cover charge. If you have been to karaoke with…
Community News, March 2017
Footnotes from the Library
Marilyn Klooster Are you a fan of making lists? I am! Besides the “honey do,” I shopping, wish and “bucket lists,” have made a “book” list. I was prompted to make this list after retirement and, most recently, as a SunBird library volunteer. Browsing the many volumes on our library shelves, I would make a…
Community News, March 2017
Sun Lakes Rotary Club’s 24th annual Charity Tournament March 26

Norm Noble On Sunday, March 26, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club will host its 24th and largest Charity Golf Tournament in history. One hundred eighty golfers will fill the three Nine Hole Courses at Oakwood Country Club. Prior to the 12:30 p.m. shotgun start, a helicopter will hover over the practice range and drop numbered…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Scandinavian Club notice

Join your Scandinavian neighbors in the Sun Lakes area on Sunday, March 19, at the Sun Lakes Country Club for social hour at 5:00 p.m. and dinner at 6:00 p.m. It is Heritage Day! Appetizers include pickled herring and Scandinavian cheeses, with a cash bar available. Following a fun mixer, dinner will include Torsk or…