A Zippity Doo Dah Day

Bob Neuman

SunBird residents are thought to be friendly, kind and helpful, and they are. Isn’t it amazing how just a smile, a word or just acknowledging others can make their day? It says to them, “You are worthwhile.”

When he arose for an early doctor appointment, he knew the day would be good; no aches or pains, his mind was clear and his emotions were intact.

He walked into the doctor’s office to hear laughter from the staff, as though one had told a funny story. Happiness is never wasted, he thought.

Appointment finished, he checked his list of errands and drove to a 99 Cent Store. The lady at the check-out looked a bit forlorn until he asked, “How is your day so far?” She replied that it was ok as yet. The man remarked that the day was young, so it could go either way. She said, “I pray it will be good.” His reply was that it was always good to pray for anything. As he left, she smiled and wished him a blessed day.

At Savers, at the check-out was a clean-cut impressive young man. When asked if he was a student, he replied he was a senior at ASU and a business major, and today was his last day here. No other customers were in line, so a brief conversation ensued. Preparing to leave, the man told the lad that he should be very proud of his accomplishments and wished him well. The student beamed, because someone had noticed him and shown interest.

Discount Tire was next. A young worker came immediately and went to work checking the tires. The two engaged in small talk regarding his employment, etc. The man thanked him, told him he was a good worker and wished him the best. As the driver pulled away, he looked back and saw the employee smiling and waving. Showing interest makes people feel a bit better, and it does cost nothing.

Arriving home, a walk was in order. The temperature was perfect, the sky was a cloudless deep blue and the mountains were extra visible. Walking between fairways nine and ten, he saw an elderly lady wearing a long black coat, using a cane and walking with effort. She was on the opposite side of the road, coming toward him. When the man said hello, she stopped, then crossed to his side

Her speech was foreign as she pointed at a group of houses where he assumed she was staying. Reaching into the coat pocket, she offered a wrapped piece of candy twice the size of a dice and said, “Lebanon.” Perhaps that is where she and the candy were from. It was chocolate with a cherry inside and a nip of maybe brandy.

Perhaps being recognized made her day a little brighter. Had he walked on, he would not have been blessed by her kindness. Should we not put our uncertainties aside and reach out to others more?

Thus, the end of Bob Neuman’s serendipity day. Something to relate to his wife Ann, had she not left him for a place called Heaven. Then he remembered the next day, December 28, would have been their 62nd anniversary.